Chapter 4. Death

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I return home and fall into my fathers arms. "Now now" he coos. "First ones always hard" I try not to think about what he's just said. I'm not a monster. Well, maybe. "The news is on in a bit" he says, biting back a smile. I give him a look that says 'so what?' "Dead bodies do get found ya know" he smirks.

The 6 'o clock news is starting as we sink into the green leather sofas. Dad strokes my hair. "Did a good job, did ya?" He winks. "Are normal people supposed t-to care?" I ask, afraid of the answer. "It's just I feel like I should but. But I don't" I finish. "Shhhh" he whispers, a finger to his lips. "It's coming up" he smiles.

<I>In other news a body was found in A Gotham alleyway, no DNA, no fingerprints. An almost replica crime to those of the Joker. Mirrored injuries, but with a twist</I>

Dad raises a questioning eyebrow, his fingers tracing his scars.

<I>The Jokers trademark of carving a smile into his victims face, was turned on its head. Literally. A sad face was reportedly cut into Jinx Locke's face. Is there a new criminal roaming the streets of Gotham, or was this a One-off copy cat stunt? If you have any further information, please call</I> ...

Dad flicks off the TV. He's grinning. "I'm so proud of you" he grins, tapping me on the nose.

I go to bed, feeling strange. Killing. It didn't faze me. I was a <I>murderer</I> but I didn't care. I'm a monster. But a part of me, was still buzzing. I needed more. But my father had already guessed that. He's been here before.

I wake up in the morning with the motive to kill. Who?, well that could wait. What couldn't wait, was breakfast. I walked into the kitchen to find my father. We sat down together. "I guess you'll be out all day, huh?" He Says, darkly. I shiver. "You could have warned me!" I choke. "You can't fight fate" he snaps. "Now have a nice day sweetie" he kisses the tip of my nose. I storm out of the house, knife in my pocket, murder on my mind. Walking down the drive , I bump into Edward Nygma, and his awful son. "Hello, Robin" Ed Jr. gushes. "Haven't seen you in forever!" <I>not long enough </I>I think to myself. "Too long" my father exclaims from behind me. "I was just on my way out" I mumble, before heading back down the drive. "Take Ed along will you" dad gushes, a smirk on his lips. "Y'see me and his dad have some important business to discuss...and I just knew you wouldn't mind!" He laughs. "And besides." Edward Sr. says. "You two have some business of your own to discuss. What with you two being the future of crime in this city" He taps his cane on the floor before kissing my cheek and telling us to "run along nicely". Then they walk up to the house. Ed Jr. Grins. I glare at him. "What super-villainy name are ya gonna have?" He smirks. "We could be 'The puzzler and The Jester'" he suggests. "That'll look good on our wedding certificate" he winks. The disturbing part is, he's not joking. His dads already proposed an arranged wedding for us. My dad said no. That he wouldn't force me, but that I'd grow to love him in time. Yeah right. My dad knows what I think of him, and his slimy dad. I realised my plans were ruined. "So what do you wanna do today?" I ask him.

"Someone will be breathing heavily

Someone won't breath at all

Someone's going to die today

And they'll be pushed.

They won't fall."

I scream in anger. "Stop with the riddles already!" I'd asked him what he wanted to do today, and he'd given me six riddles. Oh the joy. "Just answer the god damned question!" I scream. "Chill ya tits" he smirks, winking and looking at my cleavage. I slap him. "Ooh. I like a feisty woman" I let out another scream of anguish. "I want to kill" he says at last.

"Do you have a certain style of killing?" He asks me. "Do ya watch the news?" I ask back. "You can't answer a question with a question." He protests. "And you can't answer a riddle with a riddle. So how on earth do you and your father talk to eachother?" He sniggers. "Yeah, I watch the news" he says at last. "We'll the 'joker copy cat killer' that's me" I admit. "What about you. What's your style? Riddle them until their insane? Cause I think you'd ace that" I snarl. "You're hot when you're pissed" he purrs. I stop walking and glare at him. "How about I just kill you?" I snap. "I can see the headlines now <I>E. Nygma Jr. Out-riddled by

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