1 - You'll turn one day

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Mini authors note:
HEY YA'LL so I wrote this story back when I was like 12 years old. I decided to edit it, mix the plot up and post it!! Make sure to stick around for when An Online Friendship Sad Story the book comes out!

Love u all, ENJOY!


I turn over and fall out my bed, crawling to the door and opening it, walking down to breakfast.

"Morning family," I sit at the table.

"Morning Dani, have a good sleep?" Mom asks.

"Yep, I don't wake up at midnight craving blood," I roll my eyes

Mom sighs, "you haven't turned yet, I wouldn't be talking!"

"I hope not!" I say as I rub my eyes.

Tayliah runs down stairs, "oh yes you do! Being a vampire is awesome!"

"Oh? And why is that?" I ask.

Tayliah's eyes turn a bright red, and her fangs grow out longer, "because when the kids at school decide to mess with me, it's not a pleasant scene."

I laugh, "Right,"

Mom laughs, "Tayliah, you shouldn't tell people about your vampirism."

"I know mom, I was kidding," she says.

Tayliah was my younger sister, and for some reason she turned before me. Everyone in my family was a vampire except for me.

Dad walks out with a water bottle, I could see blood inside of it.

"Oh.. Dad! Don't drink that in front of me!"

"You're gonna' turn one day, Dani."

"No thanks",
I grab an apple and sling my bag over my shoulder, walking out the sliding doors and to school.


We sit at the lunch table, me, Melia and Charlotte.

"Awe, Isn't Henry hot?" Melia blushes.

"Ugh! Melia--" Charlotte roll her eyes at her

"I know, he's taken!" Melia rolls her eyes.

"Oh! Danielle, so my brother has been asking about you," Charlotte says.

"No, I will not date him," I say as I pull my bag up onto the chair.

"Oh thank god," Charlotte drops her shoulders.

I laugh but then I catch the feeling that we're being watched, I glance to my right to notice Jayden looking in my direction. I don't directly look at him, I just notice that he was looking at us.

"--And then I said, really!?" Melia laughs.

I shake my head, "w-what?"

"You weren't listening," Melia rolls her eyes.

Charlotte smirks, "she was looking at Jayden."

Melia twists her head, "the hot guy in her home room?"

I shake my head, "no thanks."

The bell rings and we head to homeroom to grab our stuff.

During homeroom..

I head to my locker and grab my books for my classes, there it was again, the feeling of being watched. I stop and turn to my right again, Jayden was placing books in his locker and rearranging them. I guess I wasn't being watched. I fall into the trance of looking at him, but I snap out of it when he looked up at me.
I close my locker and walk out.


First period, science.


"Danielle Evans, you're late," the teacher says.

I grit my teeth, "sorry."

The room was silent as I went to sit down at my desk, I hold my head in my hands, circling the table with my fingers.



I approach Melia while she was talking to Henry.
"Meliaaaa," I say.

"Danielle! Hey, this is Henry," she introduces him.

I look at the boy who Melia was drooling over, "well hello," I say.

"Hey, so, Melia, I'll see you later?" He asks.

"For sure!" She smiles and Henry walks away.

"So are you guys a thing?" I ask.

"Oh, no, not yet at least," she smiles.

"You're such a weirdo," I smirk at her, "so wheres Charlotte?"

"At detention, you know how crazy she gets when people are rude to her," Melia begins walking and I follow.

"Ahh, typical," I say as we keep walking.


That afternoon

"Hey mom," I throw my bag on the floor and belly flop onto the couch.

"Dani... Your father and I wanna' talk to you about vampires and what to expect when you eventually turn," she sits down on the couch next to me. I look up at her and sit up. I shrug my shoulders, "we've been over this plenty of times, I'll grow these fangs, it'll hurt, I'll crave blood, I know, mom," I say.

I stand up off the couch, "see? I know everything about turning!"

My dad comes in the room and sits on the couch, "yes Danielle but-- why don't you ask Tayliah about her story of turning?"

I shrug and say, "okay, I don't see how it'll help."

I walk up to Tayliah's bedroom,
"Hey Tay, why don't you tell me the story of how you turned?"

"Oh! That's a good one,"
"You see," I was 10, when I turned.."

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