Ch 12: Old man simmons and will find out

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"Shit" merlin cursed immediately. Oh he remembered this day. He remembered this day all to well. This was a horrid day. A very very horrid disasterous life altering day. Also it seemed they skipped to about say a few days until he came to camelot.

"Why'd we skip so far ahead?" Merlin questioned phoebe with a raised eyebrow.

"Your childhood is soo mundane" the time spirit replied.

"Thanks" merlin replied with an eyeroll.

"We have to watch this one merry bear. It's important" Phoebe assured putting her hand on Merlins shoulder and squeezing it gently.

"He's an old bastard" Merlin spat.

"Merlin what on earth are you yammering on about?" Arthur questioned.

"You'll see " the warlock replied with a sigh.

A young teen version of Merlin and Will soon came walking up the hill and into a forest. Will carried an ax as merlin walked beside him with his hands stuck in his pockets. Merlin looked kind of annoyed as Will smiled happily.

"Will this is not a good idea" Merlin said dryly.

"Your such a pessimist" Arthur stated.

"I have magic. I need to be much more careful than you do" Merlin countered.

"I'm a prince Merlin. Do you know how many times people have tried to kill me?" Arthur questioned.

"Do you know the reason why your not dead?" Merlin countered.

Arthur went to open his mouth but stopped. He face palmed. "You have got be kidding me. Your the reason I kept getting knocked out?" Arthur questioned.

"Well I couldn't really do magic right in front of the crown prince of Camelot." Merlin said rolling his eyes.

"You can do it front of the king now" Arthur said.

"Maybe later" Merlin said but he grinned at the very thought. Not having to hide anymore was such a freeing feeling. Almost enough for him to forget about what the blonde time spirit was making them see. Almost.

"Oh come on Merlin it's the best tree in this forest!" Will chirped back.

"And it still wasn't a good idea" Merlin said crossing his arms and biting his lip.

"Maybe thats why we shouldn't cut it down....besides it's really close to Old man Simmons cottage" Merlin said.

Will threw his head back with a laugh. "Your scared of Old man Simmons!?" Will barked as he rested on a tree to recover from his laughing fit.

"Will, he hates me. I don't want to give the old Bastard anymore reasons to" Merlin said almost pleading.

"Merlin you need to relax. You worry way to much. Cmon live a little" Will replied grabbing merlin by his jacket sleeve and tugging him along while merlin pouted.

"Is this Old man Simmons still alive Merlin?" Arthur asked.

"I don't believe so...why?"

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