Not So Great Escape

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It has been a week since Dom (Dominik) and I have been traded to the Japanese mafia. Thankfully we haven't been separated and are living in a room together. I was making my way around the facility making a mental map of the place when I head people talking in the meeting room.

Goon 1 "Man Leo is gonna freak when we show him the card the Black Foxes left for us.."

Goon 2 "Yeah but we need to show him so we can prepare for there arrival."

Black Foxes? Aren't they the group of noble thieves Sir told us about? Wait if they are coming here it could be our chance to escape! I need to tell Dom! I thought before running back to our room. As soon as I got back I was about to tell him but was cut off by the intercom.

Voice "Will the Children of Darkness please be so kind as to get their asses down to the meeting room. Thank you~" Beep

Dom "At least they asked politely.." he chuckled  "We better go, C'mon Lil" he motioned for me to follow him. We walked down the hallways until we finally reached the meeting room. We exchanged a glance at each other before I opened the door. Inside we saw Leo (the leader/???) and three of his higher ranking goons Snake, Tiger, and Bear. of course these weren't their real names but it is what we were told to call them so we just go with it.

Leo "Welcome kids" he said with a twisted smile that sent shivers down my spine. "We received a calling card for the Black Foxes today, they are coming tonight and we need you two to guard the vault. We are in the process of moving the money and important information there, and I will be inside as well. Your orders are as followed: 1. You will protect the vault with your lives, 2. If you see any of the Black Foxes you will not hesitate to kill them on sight." He said coldly and to the point.

Twins "Understood." we said  at the same time and bowed to him before being dismissed.

On our way back to our room I explained to Dom my plan of escape using the signals that we made up a long time ago, when Sir installed audio recorders in our room. we had a sign that looked totally inconspicuous for any word that we might need. It sounds far fetched, but when you aren't allowed to talk for a year, you figure something out. Anyways, by the time we got back to the room he understood the plan and his role, which was to play along. I was the brains and he was the muscle. It was always like that, not to say that he wasn't a genius or that I can't fight. Just I was more rational and could think up a fool-proof plan on the spot and he was injected with god knows what so many times that he can lift a car if he wanted too.


Still Lily's Pov.

Dom and I were in our mission clothes in front of the vault, me with my daggers at hand and Dom with his pistols fully loaded. Suddenly all power cut out and I heard footsteps running towards us. I love my super human hearing~. I looked at Dom winking my left eye to tell him that they are here.

The plan was that I would throw one of our calling cards to them with a message written on it. Our names are Lily and Dominik Hunitsu, we were kidnapped when we were 1 and are supposed dead. please help us. It was a long shot but it is all that we could do.

I was able to see four figures approaching rather fast, once they were in sight the stopped and pointed their guns at us. Dom and I put up our hands and  kicked our weapons towards them, they looked confused. I took a few steps towards them and they pointed their guns at my head but I just out my hands up. Dom looed at them an mouthed "Trust her." to them as I put my hand in my pocket with my other hand still in the air. they looked like they were about to shoot but relaxed when the saw the card. I placed it on the ground and walked back to Dom with my hands still in the air. They looked at us and gave us a do -you-think-we-are-stupid? face. Dom and I just looked at them with pleading and teary eyes. The orange haired one said something to the black haired one and then started walking towards us. Our hands were up and he whispered to me

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