STUPID! Hey its ian and Anthony (deep voice) and were playing u know it (both say it) Yandere simulater)! Both say jinks ian knocks on wood. Haha Anthony can't talk 😂😝. Well then um let's go and I'm hungry.. FELIX "WHAT"! CAN U BUY ME A PEPPERONI PIZZA!? "ARE U GONNA PAY? "I CAN SAY IT LAST NAME!! (I'LL PAY) THX LOVE U. OK so let's go take pics of hot girls and there panties! Yay. 1hr later. PIZZA HERE! K THX. nom nom nom. Ahh so good Anthony u want? Oh that's right u can't talk lol! "OK let's get real and kill goes running to the teacher and trys to kill her but. NOOOOO! Suspended.
Anthony why didn't u tell me? (felix) Anthony Anthony Anthony. Sorry dude couldn't talk. That's no excuse! Lol but it funny lol.. (pewds) JACKCEPTEREYE!
no fair 😢😭😧
The youtubers
SonstigesHey guys this story is about famous people in youtube hope u like it