Chapter 22

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LiLi’s dress on the side ---------------->

Ryan’s POV (Bet you didn’t see that coming did you?):

 “WHAT!?”I screamed at Justin, he had just told me that he CHEATED on LiLi!

 “I…I cheated on her…”He said looking ashamed. What an idiot! Don’t get me wrong, Justin’s my bro but LiLi has become somewhat of a sister to me.

“Dude, you need to grow the f**k up! What on the freaking earth made you act like such a…a d**k head?”I said angrily.

“Man, I thought you were my bro!?”He yelled defensively.

I rolled my eyes, he and I both new that I was right. “You know I am your bro, but LiLi is like a sister to me now…and you hurt her” I sighed.

 He stood in front of me in the kitchen and thought about it for a few minutes. He nodded like he was deciding on something. “Ok, look…I know it was wrong but I’m sorry and I need your help to get her back” He stated. I'm gonna punch this kid!

 “Dude! I'm not going to help you get her back, you don’t deserve her…she doesn’t deserve what you’re doing to her” I said as I turned around and stormed off. LiLi need someone that’s going to treat her with respect, with care…with love. I know how to cheer her up! I ran to her room which she’s been in all morning, not that I blame her.

LiLi’s POV:

 The best way to ignore Justin is to not see him at ALL. I do miss him…and yes, I do still love him. But I can’t change what he did, I have forgiven him…that doesn’t mean that I'm gonna take him back! I heard a lot of screaming coming from the kitchen, a few minutes later I heard a knock at my door.

 “Who is it?” I asked.

“The ambassador of FUN!” Shouted Ryan. (A/N: totally got that from Sonny with a Chance, watching it right now) I got up and opened the door with a fake smile on my face. If I can’t feel happy the least I can do is act happy.

 “Hey, what are you doing in my room?” I said with my eyebrows raised. Ryan has become like a big brother to me these past few weeks.

 “Come on, get dressed we are going out for a day of FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!”He said walking door to my closet and picking out a cute white, black and green sun dress. He left and I got dressed, I also put on a pair of gladiator sandals and just straitened my hair.

 I walked down the stairs and saw Justin sitting on the couch watching TV with Chris and Dee, traitors! My own sister…well at least Ryan isn’t a traitor. Ryan walked up to me and said “Ready to have the best day ever!?” I laughed, he’s so goofy sometimes.

 I nodded as we walked towards the door. “Wait…where are you two going?”Asked Dee.

“Out to have the best day ever” Ryan smiled.

 Dee clapped her hands and said “oooooo, and we go too?” Please say no please say no…if they come that means Justin is going to come too!

“Duh!”He replied. Grrrrrrrrr! I was wrong, there all traitors.

 “Great, come on Chrissy, Justin!” She squealed…she only squeals when she’s not telling me something!

“Dee, what aren’t you telling me?” I asked. I saw Justin tense up at the corner of my eye. She looked nervous but covered it up with a yawn.

“Let’s go, were gonna be late” Ryan said walking to the car. We all tumbled into the car, five seats and five people means one person is going to have to sit in the middle. I sat on the window seat while Ryan was driving and Chris was in the passenger seat.

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