Chapter 10

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Amaya's POV

I thought a lot about it. As it was getting pretty dark, I went back. There I saw Elvin pacing around the living room. I cleared my voice to bring his attention. He looked at me hopefully. If it was a funny situation, I would have said that his eyes sparkled like a kid seeing the biggest candy ever.

"I have decided to... uhm give you another chance. Which means that I am staying. But on one condition. I should never see Tania again in the house. And this is your last chance... you better know it!"

With that I turned around to go in my room not before he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest hugging me pretty tightly while murmuring many thank yous. I gave him a small smile and went to my room. I took a bath due to I stink a little out of sweating like rain falling. And put my pyjamas which consists of short shorts and a cardigan.

I then went downstairs and headed towards the kitchen till I heard some blurred voices but I immediately recognized Elvin's voice. I approached to hear Elvin saying "I should never see her again here in the kingdom, got it? First she tried to separate me with my mom and now she's got the guts to stress my baby? Never! Instead, do one thing Jonathan! Send her to the gallows and lock her. I can't bear her and her attics anymore... and also one thing, you can come in and listen to us Amaya baby..."

Maybe it crossed my mind that eavesdropping a vampire's talk was mission impossible! I shook my head and entered the room pretty embarrassed. There I saw Elvin and a boy who was definitely hot and handsome... Elvin growled in my mind. I thought to him 'what?'

'Hot and handsome for you is only me, got it?' my mouth was left open. Is he that serious? That's mean I have to forget Ronaldo? (Football player if you don't know) I won't ever forget my Ronaldo, my baby! Another growl from him but this time it was loud. I rolled my eyes and said "who wants dinner?"

"Me!!! Hi my lady! I'm Jonathan, one of his friends. I'm 236 years old. So i'm a vampire. We should hang out one day together!" Lastly he winked to which Elvin raised an eyebrow and pushed him till the door saying "maybe another time John! And we really appreciated your presence. Now you go to do your duties and your dinner will be sent. Now GOODBYE!" With that he closed the door of Johnathan's face.

"So what is there for dinner honey?" he asked excitedly. "Your favourite! Your skull!" With that I went in the kitchen with a frozen Elvin standing glaring at me! "Stop glaring or dinner cancelled for you!" He stopped his expressions and stood pretty charmingly. "For you honey." And he took out a red rose with a little box in gift paper.

I took the rose and opened the gift to see a beautiful ring. I looked at it in awe and looked at him with happiness and hugged him tightly. He promised that he would never break his promise of never cheating on me. "Tomorrow I am going to introduce you as the vampire queen to the population here. So tomorrow you get ready and don't you panic at all! Clear honey?" I shook my head yes and he kissed my forehead. "And don't worry, they will love you." I hoped that he was telling the truth because how could I trust those blood suckers? Wouldn't they be looking at me as a delicious blood bank?

I gulped at the thought and Elvin laughed "No don't worry. They won't do this!" With that we went to have dinner and after that we watched Fast and Furious 7...

Hello friends! How was this?? I hope you appreciate my work!

Above song is Miracle by Cascada

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