30 ways to piss off Sybil Trelawny (Keiyani Comp)

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1.Smash all of her crystal balls

2.Break one of her pink tea cups

3.Break all of her pink tea cups

4.Get Sirius to stalk her in dog form

5.Prove her to be a fraud

6.Invite 13 guests to dinner and make sure she is the first to get up

7.Prove she is going to die by reading her palm

8.Give her a giant dragonfly and say you've found her long lost twin.

9.Lock her in a room with McGonagall making fun of her

10.Chain her to Firenze

11.Take away her sherry

12.Let her relive Umbrige firing her, again, and again, and again...

13.Whenever she says anything, interupt her with 'But Firenze says...'

14.Move her classroom to the dungeons

15.Call her 'A right old fraud'

16.Order her to make a prediction on the spot

17.Make her sit on a flying Thestral

18.Compare her skill to her great, great grandmother Cassandra Trelawny

19.Remind her she's only made two prophecys in her entire life

20.Bring Fenrir Greyback back to get revenge for her dropping a crystal ball on him

21.Ask her when she last went to the hairdressers

22.Tell her she should get together with Hermione. Awww, the Tramione love!

23.Disguise yourself as Dumbledore and walk up to her saying 'Sybill, I am afraid that I cannot have a teacher working here with such drinking problems as you have...'

24.Above, but simply saying 'Sybill, I think your time here is over.

25.Make her switch bodies with Firenze

26.Make her switch bodies with Umbridge

27.Keep bringing Umbridge's name up in a conversation

28.Talk about how you admire Umbridge

29.Do anything to do with Umbridge

30.Show her this list

Thanks to Keiyani for starting this comp, and to my friends for helping me when I ran dry,


30 ways to piss off Sybil Trelawny (Keiyani Comp)Where stories live. Discover now