Letter Thirty Four: William Patier

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March 8

Dear Lizzabeth,

It's spelled pentel. Not pental, pentel. Learn how to bloody spell will you! I wish I could send you a bloody dictionary, it'll probably have some bloody use for you!

But I'm going to have to agree with you there, Lizzabeth. I wish I had went to military school. It seems way better than having to force to talk to you. 

You really think low of me that I'll actually go to drugs and all that, huh? I'm not going to give up, unlike you who already did. And go ahead and be with Ezekiel, cause I sure pity the guy. I have no idea what he sees in you. Or how he even puts up with you.

And don't even bother replying, because I'm quitting this stupid project. Is that alright with you, ma'am? 


P.S. I hope you grow fat from all those cookie butters you inhale. 

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