Part 1

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Stuart's Pov:
I peered out at the beautiful floating windmill where she stayed, strumming her guitar peacefully and dangling her legs over the edge. Noodle was gorgeous, and it had been so long since I seen her. I was trapped here, in Feel Good Inc but I couldn't fucking pick out anything here that made you feel good. Well, that was until I finally made my escape. I gained the courage to find my way out, and I did so without getting caught. Well, I mean it wasn't like anyone really noticed or not around here. I made it to the floating windmill too, which was the only place I could think of going, and I hoped that Noodle wouldn't kick me off.
"H-Hey Noods.." I said, standing there awkwardly. She whipped around and gasped, staring at me with wide eyes.
"TOOCHI!!" She screamed and ran into my arms, I hugged her close and breathed in the sweet scent of her.
"Stuart it has been so long!" She exclaimed, her cute accent making me smile.
"Yeah I know it has, darling." I said, blinking away a few tears. She let go after a few more minutes and grinned at me.
"How did escape?" She asked, her English not being too good.
I shrugged.
"I finally got the courage to try and find my way out..and this was the only place I could think of to come." I explained, and she nodded along.
She smiled.
"I'm so happy that you are here!" She beamed, and hugged me again. She showed me around for a while and we just hung out like we used to before I got stuck in that stupid place, and before she was on the windmill island, which she seemed to like.
"It's quite here..and peaceful..I like it.." She said softly to me as we sat cross-legged next to eachother, picking brightly colored flowers. I nodded, simply enjoying her company as I fiddled with a piece of grass. I noticed a pretty yellow flower and carefully plucked it from the ground, and placed it in her hair, tucking it behind a piece of her black-purple colored hair. She smiled up through her bangs at me and I blushed a little. Truth be told, I did have a crush on her. I know it sounds bad because of her age, but I swear to god I'm not a pedophile. I loved her for her smile and personality and her kindness, nothing gross that you could accuse me of. Just then I heard something odd. It sounded like helicopters... I furrowed my brow and looked up, and I noticed a group of whirring helicopters zooming towards the island. I blinked, not believing what I was seeing, and realized that it was real, and they were coming right towards us.
I grabbed Noodle's arm and her head snapped up.
"NOODS WE GOTTA RUN!" I shouted and yanked her up as I stumbled up myself. I started sprinting towards the windmill, it seeming to be our only hope for safety. All of a sudden the sharp sound of gunshots pierced through the once quiet air. Noodle started screaming and I prayed to God she hadn't just got shot. But she kept running a foot or so behind me, and I had a tight grip on her wrist, pulling her along. I ran as fast as my long legs would let me, the bullets seeming to be right at my our heels. We finally made it into the windmill and I shoved her into the corner, where she couldn't be seen from the entrance, so hopefully she wouldn't be shot if she was out of view. I slid down the wall next to her, and breathed heavily. Once we finally caught our breathes i looked over at her, her knees were pulled up to her chest and her head was in her hands. She trembled a little and I could hear her sniffle, indicating that she was crying.
"Hey, hey..Noodle sweetie don't cry.." I said, scooting over closer to her and wrapping my arms around her. She leaned into my hug and I didn't plan on letting go anytime soon.
Bullets pierced through the side of the windmill and she flinched at each shot being fired.
I didn't know what was going to happen. If we'd make it out of this alive, if I'd ever see Russel or Murdoc or anybody ever again. I didn't know anything except that I had to protect her.
I smelled smoke a short while after, and I could tell that something was on fire.
"T-Toochi?" She said, her voice trembling.
"A-Are we going to make it out alive?" She asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.
I now had the decision to give her false hope, or be honest.
"I will make sure, that you survive, Noodle." I assured. And I intend on keeping that promise.
She nodded.
"B-But you too, right?"
I just nodded.
" too, darling." I said, but I wasn't sure.
As long as she was okay, I didn't really care.
I could feel the island start to plunge.
I brushed her sweaty hair out of her forehead and she stared up at me with her beautiful, big green eyes that I rarely got to see.
"You're so beautiful." I whispered, and I knew right now wasn't the time to point out her beauty when we could easily die in a matter of minutes, but she flashed half a smile at me and it made me think that maybe just for a second, everything would be okay.
If this was in fact my last few minutes, then I had to tell her how I felt. And I knew how to do it, hopefully it would keep her calm too.
I started singing,
"I saw that day...lost my mind... Lord I'm fine... Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine.." She calmed down a little and I skipped a few parts as I felt the island plunge faster.
"Money won't get there.. Ten years passed tonight, you'll flee.. If you do that..I'll be someone to find you.." I couldn't stop my tears which were now streaking my cheeks.
"I saw that day..lost my mind.. Lord I'm fine..maybe in time.. You'll want to be mine.." I sang, and I kissed her cheek.
"I love you" I whispered.
"I-I..what?" She asked, seeming confused.
"I love you." I whispered again.
"Maybe in'll want to be mine..maybe in'll want to be mine.." I repeated.
I wrapped myself around her tightly, so her whole body was basically covered. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for impact, holding on to her as tightly as I could...
"It's gonna be okay, Noodle..I love matter what happens..stay alive..for me."
"I love you, too." was all she said, and her body tensed along with mine, as the whole island with us on it, smashed into the ground below us.
I screamed as loud as I could and I heard her scream too before a loud, sharp ringing filled my ears. I didn't hear the sound of the air rushing by as we plunged, I didn't hear the gunshots and whirring of the helicopters, I didn't hear screaming. I didn't hear anything.


Maybe In Time, You'll Want To Be MineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu