Chapter 2

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- Parker -

The squealing sound of tires on asphalt tore me from my dreamless sleep, the seat belt constricting my body as my torso flew forward.

"What the hell?!" I grumbled, still half-asleep as I rubbed my eyes, peering out the windshield.

"Sorry, lad. I almost missed our turn," Manny's familiar voice boomed through the car as his hands expertly yanked the wheel sideways, sending my forehead into the window.

I cursed under my breath, rubbing the soreness that resulted from the impact. My head rested back into the seat, Manny muttering his apologies as we received an annoyed honk from a passing car. If I'd learned anything from the past twelve years he'd served as my family's butler, it was this: Manny couldn't drive worth a shit.

The city was teeming with life, tourists snapping Polaroids of Big Ben, locals leisurely strolling through the streets, and store windows glowing with vibrant cloths and colors as the sun began to set on London, England.

As if reading my thoughts, Manny spoke up. "Y'know, you could live in this city your whole life and you'd still never get used to it. Everything's just so...alive," He faltered for words as his eyes scanned the scene before us, seemingly pleased with his description as he turned onto our street.

"Yeah. It's something else," I replied, my mind traveling elsewhere as I eyed a couple posing in front of a scenic statue. I smiled to myself as I thought back to my first date with Elizabeth in the city. We had posed in front of that same statue, a picture that she never liked but I was always fond of. Thoughts of her muddled my brain, my cheeks flushing as I thought about the proposal to come.

What if she wasn't ready? I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. Second thoughts reappeared, and I did my best to shove them to the back of my mind as Manny pulled up in front of The Rendezvous Hotel.

"I'm gonna go ahead and take the stuff to the storage unit. Be sure to tell the front desk that you're here. I'll pick up your car first thing in the morning when I return the truck," Manny rushed as I gathered my essentials and climbed out of the vehicle.

"I've got it. Thanks, Man. Seriously. What you're doing for me is awesome," I thanked him and meant it. He'd always been there for me, and this was no exception.

"Yeah, alright, kid. Have fun," He laughed, and the second I shut the door, he sped off into the street, receiving the finger from a man in a black car as he cut him off.

Amused, I walked into the hotel lobby. The grand chandelier above was a masterpiece of fragile glass crystals, the sun's lingering rays casting light onto it and creating a glittery pattern on the glossy-white floor. Customers lounged on the velvety red couches, leafing through tabloids or enjoying a cup of tea under the wide glass roof. In awe, I made my way over to the broad front desk, the woman behind it putting someone on hold to assist me.

"Here for your room key?" She asked, standing as she flashed me a seductive smile. Her cleavage was hardly contained by her extremely low-cut black top, and her white pencil skirt clung tightly to her hips as she popped a piece of gum between her ruby-red lips.

"Uh, yeah," I answered, averting my gaze as she turned to a key-card device behind her, poking her bum out shamelessly.

"Here you are, handsome," She flashed an even bigger smile, and I noticed a splash of red lipstick on her front teeth as she handed me my room key.

"This is gonna be a longgg weekend," I groaned, snatching the key and sauntering off to the elevator, punching the button several times in an attempt to escape her lustful gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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