chapter 2(rotten egg smells badbut school is worse)

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Dear diary, school was terrible....

"Jane, hurry up !"i yelled as i run down the long endless stairs. I heard a grunt then followed by an annoyed Jane. "Why do you look so excited"i said ,looking at her grumpy expression. She shot me a glare and pushed me out of her way. I had always known that some how my sister hated me. We didn't exactly have a great bond.
When i went outside ,i was surprised to see Felix standing in front of our door. He looked handsome in a plain t-shirt and expensive jeans as I gave him a questioning look and he answered my unasked question.
"Wanted to walk you to school"and shrugged.
"How is the school"I asked,curiosity taking the better of me. "Its.. Okay I guess"he replied. I watched as the scowl on my sister's face deepened and shrugged it off. There was comfortable silence between us as we walked to the school.
The school was very big with expensive looking cars littered across the parking lot. Oh! Being in the senior year wasn't really as exciting as I had thought but anyway, this was my last year and I would be in college so I had to put in some effort this year.

My sister took a different direction as Felix and i walked to the principal's office.
Although I got lots of the students giving me questioning looks. Especially the girls and then realization dawned on me. I was walking with probably the hottest guy in the universe, why wouldn't they?. or was I wearing an inappropriate dress. I looked down at my dress. I was wearing a summer dress with my hair held up in a high ponytail.
"Ignore them"Felix whispered in my ear and I jumped back,startled. He chuckled softly and knocked on the principal's door.


After getting all the needed materials, I was shown to the first class of the day,English.
I got settled down in a chair waiting for the teacher to get started with the lessons.
"Excuse me,who the hell are you"an irritated voice said, making me jump.
"Oh.. Hey"I said,looking up at the person. I was shocked to see the girl who had practically pulled out ja... I meant Felix's sis cheeks. She looked pretty with an extraordinarily straight hair that was hanging loose on her shoulders. The skimpy dress made her look like those sluts you normally read about in storybooks.
"Hey!I know I'm pretty and all that but you don't have to be shocked about it"the slut snapped her finger at me. I Blushed, embarrassed.
"Hey kelly ,just leave her alone okay and buzz off"a tall,pretty girl snapped at "Kelly" and she huffed and walked away.
"Ignore her, its just because she saw you with Felix that's why"the pretty girl said. I smiled and introduced myself"I'm Valarie-Jamie Anderson and you?"
"I'm Sabrina river, my close friends call me Rina so.."she said, embarrassed. I smiled at her awkward introduction and just shook her hand. "So what's going on with you and Felix Michaels"she said,wiggling her eyebrows.

"He's just my neighbor"
"Are you sure"
"Well,that's good cos he already has a girlfriend, you know"
I don't know why my heart stung a little when she said that but seriously, his taste in girls are...
"Kelly is his girlfriend"I scrunched my nose in pure disgust as I said this.
Sabrina chuckled and shook her head."I'm his girlfriend"she replied. "Yeah and I'm the President's daughter"I retorted.
"I'm serious"
And then it dawned on me again. She had been the only one to tell kelly off. Wow! Fate had a way of rubbing reality into people's face you know.
Before I could ask her any more questions, the teacher walked into the classroom.
He took a quick glance around and when he noticed me, he gave me a confused look and quirked an eyebrow. I stood up and walked to the front of the class and introduced myself.
"Hey,um this is kind of awkward but I'm new and I come from London. I'm Valarie Jamie Anderson"I then walked towards my seat and the most unfortunate thing happened. One of Kelly's minions pulled out her leg and I tripped, falling facedown on the floor. The place was quiet for a moment before the students broke out in laughter. I got up, my face flushed and went to sit down. Rina murmured a sorry before turning a full hateful glare on Kelly's minion who quickly looked forward and pretended to be paying attention to the teacher.
After the bell had rung for lunch, I walked to my locker to put my books inside my locker.
"Hmmm,3490"said a very familiar voice. I turned only to face Felix.
"Hey"I said turning towards the direction of the cafeteria. He fell into step with me as I continued without stopping.
"So I somehow met your girlfriend"I blurted out. He chuckled ."yeah, Sabrina, isn't she one of a kind"Felix said, a smile lingering on his lips. Wow. He must really like her.
"I somehow heard about your dramatic downfall. Literally"Felix said , bursting into laughter. I glared at him and punched him on his shoulder.
,"aww,sheesh you're so violent"he said. I gasped and hit him again.
"Will you stop hitting the love of my life"said an amused voice. We both looked up to see Rina making her way towards us.
"Oh please stop being so dramatic"I said as Rina engulfed Felix in a warm but not so warm hug. Felix winced. "Wow,woman,remind me to never be in your bad books."Felix joked and i smiled, leaving those two lovebirds to have their moment
I whipped out my phone to check for any message from either Eric or my two Best friends.
And indeed, there was a message. One that broke my heart into a million pieces.
"Eric alert, I'm sorry but Eric has got a new girlfriend"-Tess
My phone slipped from my hand and before it could land on the ground, someone caught hold of it. I looked up, ready to thank the person and lock my self in the bathroom only for my breath to be taken away . Bright. My breathe caught in my throat.
"Hello hottie"Bright said with a lopsided smile. I wanted to whack myself in the head with a broomstick.
I smiled at him politely and turned towards the direction of the cafeteria, the restroom forgotten.
"Hey,hey where do you think you're going?"Bright said , grabbing my arm and pulling me back.
"What do you want?"
"I want to talk to you,val"
"what!"I said, losing my patience.
He looked shocked for a moment before grabbing my hand and pulling me into an isolated part of the hallway.
"What the hell do you think you're doing"i hissed.
"Okay prettyface lets make a deal"he said,his face showing no emotion. I gulped.
"Excuse me but you do know that you cant tell me to do anything you want"i said,annoyed.
"Shut the hell up and listen to me you are going to stay away from Felix,okay!"he demanded ,
Wow,was this how things worked in this school.i gave him a deathly glare and said no to him. His grip tightened on my arm and i winced in pain.
". Let.GO. OF.HER. NOW."said a furious voice. We both turned to face the person and I gulped.
Felix looked furious. His fists were clenched to the extent that it was becoming white. His jaw clenched and he was tense all ever. You can even imagine smoke coming out of his ears.
I gulped, again.
Bright was so dead.

Hello once again. Its me your cute and adorable Liz. I hope you liked it.
Once again I'm new so pls be tolerate and patient. I will update soon. Chaw.

"Felix, why do you act all lovey dovey over Rina but all protective and defensive over jem"
"I don't know"
"Come on tell us what are you hiding,"wiggles eyebrow suggestively.
"Ohhh shut the hell up, okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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