Chapter Five

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The good thing about being average height when being chased by a giant is that you move faster and quieter. It tends to work in my favor a lot. Being an assassin, quietness is a skill one needs unless you are named Hansen where just the mere sight could scare someone to death.

            I ran down the street, remembering all I could from my brief glance at the town’s map. I took a left onto the closest street and quickly ducked into a store, making sure to stay in the pockets of crowds to lose Hansen. It worked. I waited a few hours, hopping from shop to shop, avoiding the two greatest men in my life and the biggest asshole I ever met. Didn’t they understand?

            It was just about sunset and I snuck out of the last shop I had been hiding in for the last twenty minutes so it could close. I hadn’t eaten since my meal with Will and Aaron, the thought of food made my stomach grumble loudly. Surely, Aaron was close enough to me he heard it. I slunk to the shadows along the line of buildings, working my way to the trail that would lead me right to the Assassins of Creed Headquarters.

            I noticed a shadow that kept the same pace as me but also kept a fair amount of distance. It looked to be male from the build. I figured it was just some creep thinking I was an easy target. Rather than fight, I ran.

            I took twists and turns that would have lost an average person. My follower was almost silent except for his breath. I knew it wasn’t Hansen. Before I could make my next turn, I was suddenly grabbed from behind. A strong arm went around my waist and a hand was cupped over my mouth. If this isn’t Will or Aaron, I am dead.

            Almost a whisper, a voice said in my ear, “Do not scream. I am trying to help you. I can’t tell you what you need to find out for yourself at the alcove. Be silent,” Will said.

            We walked in silence and away from small sounds I knew were Aaron and Hansen. Will helped me avoid them. We were near the outskirts of the small town when I suddenly stopped. They need to know.

            “Will, I need a pen and two pieces of paper. I also need to ask you to give them to Aaron and Hansen. This is important. Can I count on you?” Even if he said yes, I wasn’t sure I could trust him but I had to try.

            “Keri, I know you think I betrayed you. I know you think I am a horrible person. I am trying to help you. I know you have to get back inside the alcove and find the answers. It will be in the restricted area, so be careful. I promise to give the notes to Aaron and Hansen for you,” he seemed sincere.

            We managed to scrounge up a pen someone had dropped and found some mostly clean napkins I was able to scribble my notes on. I did Hansen’s first:


            I know you are probably worried and extremely mad at me for running and hiding from you. But it is for your own good. You don’t know what John is capable of. He isn’t the man he presented himself to be. He is pure evil, and you know I don’t say that lightly.

            You have always been like my father. If I had known him, I hope he would have been like you. You are strong and I know it takes a lot to break you down. I know it also takes a lot to make you angry. I love you like a daughter would love her father. I hope you know that.

            No matter what happens to me, I want you and Aaron to know it is neither of your faults. I went back to protect you. I will not tell them where you are or that you are still alive and safe. I don’t care what they do to me.

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