Chapter 3

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Hey please tell your friends about my story it would mean the world to me:)



I woke up to my phone going off.

Ahhhhh what now I looked over to see its my boss.


"Hello Alice I was just wondering if you could come in today?"

"But I'm not working"

"Yes I know but we are short today but please come in"

"Ahhh fine I will do it."

"Great thanks come in in about 20"

And with that she hung up.

20 minutes to get ready and be there really?

I got up quickly ran to the bathroom I turned on the water and stripped.

I hoped in and let the water run on me I then quickly applied some strawberry shampoo on and massaged my head. I rinsed it out and washed my body then applied strawberry conditioner.

Once I rinsed that out my hair was smooth as.

I shaved and stopped the water. Rushing out of the bathroom and into my room.

I got changed into my work uniform and applied my make up and blow dried my hair then put it in to a high pony. My phone went off indicating I have a message.

'Hey beautiful'

Seriously can't Harry just annoy someone else for once

'What do you want harry'

'Want go out later?'

'Can't I have plans'

I hope he doesn't reply cause if he does I will officially be pissed at him I am trying to get ready for a shift which I'm not supposed to be doing.

'What with your boyfriend?'

Ouch I haven't used that word or heard it in a long time.

'No I don't have one and I don't want one'

'Oh bye'

What no bye beautiful? What happened to Harry .

I don't know and I don't care right now.

i grabbed my phone and bag and ran out to my car.

Driving to work I Friggen hear best song ever by one direction.

I never get enough of them do I hahaha no.

I pulled up at work with 2 mins to spare.

I ran in with my boss Angela waiting for me.

"Lucky ms dems I was about to call you we are so low in staff it not even-"

"I know Angela you told me over the phone remember"

"Oh yeh um I don't know why but a lot of people are showing up today for no apparent reason so this sucks but lets get to work!"

"Ok boss" I shouted running into the back room putting my shit and my locker and grabbing my apron and phone.

What I get bored ok I know you would do it to.

Anyway when I walked out there was a girl at the cash register already so I guess I am serving people at the tables as well then.

I walked over to an old couple and asked what they wanted.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks what can I get you"

"Can we get to coffee's please"

The old man said

"Sure that would be $5.45 please"

He handed me the Change and abit of. Tip and told me to keep it.

I went to go get their coffee and came back out to be knock buy a girl my age.

The coffee went every where!. But no over me but to the girl next to me.

"I'm my gosh I am so sorry." I said really quickly.

"What the actual fuck bitch you did that in purpose because I'm with Harry fucking styles!!!" She screamed at me.

I looked to the person who was a companying her yep harry.

"Nikki baby please calm down" Harry said looking at her with concern.



"It was an accident"

I chocked out

"Yeh like I believe that"

Just on Que. my boss Comes to fucking see the drama.

"What's going in here?"

"Well your staff girl right there" she said harshly pointing to me "poured hot coffee all over me."

"Alice you know that's not aloud here"

"But it was an-"


"What!?" I said whisper yelling.

I looked at Harry and he was just looking at that girl nikki .

Then she looked at him and did some sort of thing with her eye brow.

He looked at me and smiled in the sucked in type of way.

That's when the tears came to my eyes.

And that's when his face dropped. I looked at Angela and she was pissed. I took off my apron and chucked it on the floor.

"You can't just do that Alice."

"Oh I don't work here any fucking more so you can't tell me what to do.!"

And with that I ran to the back staff room grabbed my stuff and ran to my car.

I opened the door and sped away.

I arrived at my flat and broke down in tears.

I need to find a new job and fast!........


Short? Yeh I know good? Well I don't know let me know okay.





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