Chapter 20: On purpose.

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Luke Conard?

Mariella: Who is he?

Sawyer: He's a Musician. He also has a YouTube channel.

I bet this is the guy Veronica is sneaking around with..

Sawyer: How does he have your e-mail?


Mariella: I don't think it's the same person. I don't even know this 'Luke' guy.

Sawyer: It has to be. The initials, the tour.. Are you sure you haven't met him before?

I vigorously nod.

Mariella: Positive! It has to be some sort of miscommunication.

I shouldn't have brought this up without getting my story straight. But, I want to know more about this 'Luke Conard'.

Mariella: So, who is this 'Luke' anyway?

Sawyer: No one.

He yanks the keys out of his car and gets out. What just happened? I hurry out, following him.

Mariella: Did I say something wrong?

He turns around and I almost bump into him. Our faces, inches apart. He looks irritated, but cracks a smile.

Sawyer: No, you didn't..

Mariella: I shouldn't have brought that up in the car. I'm sorry.

Sawyer: No need to be sorry. Luke and I just aren't the best of friends.

I wonder what happened between them?

Mariella: Well, I didn't know. I didn't mean to upset you.

He places his hands on my shoulders.

Sawyer: Mariella, it's fine. Lets just go in.

He slips his hand into mine and leads me towards the entrance. He's holding my hand. I hope my palms aren't sweaty.

He opens the door for me to enter first. The restaurant was loud, but beautiful! The whole place was dim and lit with candles.

Host: A table for you and your date, sir?

Sawyer: Yes, thank you.

Date? I'm not his date. We're just friends! I feel like I should've corrected him.

We follow the host who lead us to an empty table in the middle of the room. Sawyer let go of my hand to pull out my chair. I have to admit, I was a little upset we had to untwine out fingers.

Host: Here are your menus. The waitress will be with you shortly.

I smile, taking in the atmosphere.

Sawyer: So, what do you think?

Mariella: It's nice.

Sawyer: Wait till you try the food. It's really good!

I look over the menu and everything sounded delicious! I wasn't sure what to get.

Waitress: Hi, I'm Becca. I'll be your server for tonight. Can I start you two off with something to drink?

She was a rather petite girl. Her uniform didn't seem to suit her. Her appearance made her seem like she would better fit in at a tanning salon. Her brown locks swayed in her ponytail as she glanced from me to Sawyer.

Sawyer: Can we have a bottle of red wine, please.

As he spoke, I notice the waitress couldn't take her eyes off him. It was like love at first sight.

Waitress: Sure! I'll be right back with your wine and some bread, sir.

She was about to walk off, when I stop her.

Mariella: Um, excuse me. Could I also get a glass of water?

She gave me a blank, dull stare.

Waitress: Uh, Yeah..

Well, she obviously doesn't care for me. She answered Sawyer so peppy and cheerful. All I got was a rude monotone reply.

She's just jealous I'm on a date with someone as good looking as Sawyer! Wait. I mean friendly dinner, not date.

She came back with a tray that had two wine glasses, a bottle of red wine and my water. She smiles setting everything down in front of Sawyer. Not even bothering to look at me.

Waitress: Are you ready to order?

Sawyer held his hand out.

Sawyer: Ladies first.

Mariella: I'll have the Spinach and Roccata cheese Tortalinni.

She quickly wrote my order and turns to Sawyer, smiling like an idiot.

Waitress: And for you, sir?

Sawyer: I'll have the Chicken Parmesan.

Waitress: Good choice!

What a bitch.

She snatches the menu out of my hand, than gently took Sawyer's. How the hell is he not noticing how she's acting towards me? After she leaves, I lean forward, trying to be discreet

Mariella: Our waitress hates me.

Sawyer: What? Why do you say that? I think she's nice.

Of course you do.

Mariella: Yeah, to you! She has the hots for you.

Sawyer: You're crazy!

I roll my eyes and take a sip of wine. I can't enjoy myself with this waitress being a complete bitch for no reason!

We continue chatting, until 'Becca' comes out with our food. She places our dishes down and of course gives all her attention to Sawyer.

Waitress: Can I get you anything else?

Sawyer: No, everything's good. Thanks.

Clearly not pleased with his answer, she turns her attention to the half empty bread basket.

Waitress: You seem to be running low on bread. Here, let me get you some more.

She leans in to pick up the bread basket and her arm knocks over my glass of wine, spilling it all over the white table cloth and into my lap.

Waitress: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry..

She did that on purpose!

She grabs my napkin and starts dabbing it on my lap.

Mariella: Stop! It's okay. I'll clean it myself.

I get up to rush off to the bathroom before the stain sets in. Before I could, Sawyer grabs my hand.

Sawyer: Let's just go back to my place, Mariella. I'll wash your skirt there.


Mariella: But, what about dinner?

Sawyer: We'll take the food to go.

He looks to the waitress and asks her for two to-go boxes. She nods and apologizes again before walking off.

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