Joining of The Alphas

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Crave- Flight Facilities 


Trying to treat burns is the most horrible thing I have ever had to do. Sally had to stop at times to stop herself from crying in front of the pups who hadn't shifted yet. How could I have been so fucking blind? Dylan is keeping together for his two pups but I can't shake the guilt bubbling in my chest.

"I took some over to my pack for housing," Steele came over to me handing me a coffee cup.

"Thank you," I whispered taking a sip. 

"No one knows where he is," 

"We don't have to know where he is. We're going to make him come to us," he didn't say a word as Dylan walked over to us.

"The alliance called a meeting for tonight," he said handing me his phone. "All alphas are required to go,"

"Our phones were in my car," Steele said.

"What if he shows up?" Dylan asked.

"We won't do a thing to him. We could start a war. Let's get some evidence together. It's time to show Myles to the world. Princess Marice is going to want to know who is behind the death of one of her favorite subjects. I want that mother fucker publicly executed,"


He wasn't here when we first arrived. I sat in my usual spot with Dylan to my left and Steele to my right. Usually, there were arguments and talking but the hall is completely silent. King Martius walked in with Princess Martice. Lastly, Reese walked in with his beta and sat where Dylan usually sat with a smirk on his face. All of the alphas turned to look at him as Dylan tried to keep his shit under control and failing. I placed my hand on his arm tightly keeping him in place.

"Good evening," the king stood addressing us all. "We all know why we're all here. Alpha Dylan, Alpha Martak I am sorry for what happened last night in both your territories. I have assigned members of my royal guard to surround your territory Martak as well as yours Alpha Wayne. I would also like to personally thank you for assisting my niece and her prodigy in this incident,"

"Prodigy?" Reese snorted. Several growls were directed at him. The king's guards and the other Alphas.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that Reese," I said. "King Martius I would like to give you a file,"

"Stryke," he ordered motioning one of his guards to take the file from me and take it to him.

"Before we watch this file King Martius I would like to call bull shit on the events of last night," Reese said. "How do we know it's not a hoax created by Alpha Martak, Alpha Wayne, and Alpha Dylan?"

"I agree," Wyatt Steele spoke up. "The last time I was with Alpha Wayne he told me that he thought that Martak could be the firstborn princess. Your daughter. That she could have been swapped at the hospital where your son was supposedly born and died," 

"Wow," was all I said looking at Steele.

"What?" King Martius growled.

"Actually, it was Alpha Reese who was looking into that," I said. 

"What, why would I do that?" he asked convincingly.

"King Martius it was me who broke into Alpha Reese's prison and morgue,"

"Morgue?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yes, sir. See I was looking for two wolves. One was Robbie, Dylan's little brother and the other was Myles Depree one of the young men that was abducted three months ago,"

"Why did you think they were there?" he asked looking at Reese.

"When I found the last rogue body in my pack, someone went through great lengths to make sure the body wasn't damaged. When we pieced the body together we identified the body as Kyle Stevenson. One of two patients kidnapped from Oak Grove Hospital,"

"Kyle is dead?" Princess Marice asked. I nodded.

"Then so is Myles Depree," Reese said.

"No, actually I'm pretty alive," Myles said as Sally rolled him in a wheelchair.

"Myles," Princess Marice beamed running over to him.

"I extracted both Myles and Robbie from inside of Ice Moon. Sally took the files from all of the computers. Thanks to beta Edwin Artimon we were able to decode some of the files that were from the hospital I was born on the same night as your son, sir. It just so happens that Kyle was also born there earlier that same day. We also found several codes that we couldn't make anything out of until last night. 

Robbie was being held in the prison because alpha Reese said he had tried to kill his sister and I found that to be very true and the reason for that is because he was trying to stop her from taking Myles Depree from Oak Grove,"

"Why would he do that?" Reese asked trying to mock me. So sure that what I'm saying is bullshit.

"Because Myles Depress is Robbie's mate," I said looking down at Myles.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"She's right, daddy. Robbie was going to join Oak Grove. He had a meeting about it with myself and Alpha Jamal. The night after the three of them disappeared," Martise confirmed.

"She's telling the truth," Alpha Jamal added from across the room. 

"Why would my sister and I want with cripples?" 

"Monique was the nurse working in the hospital as a surgical tech. She is also the nurse who was in the room when Kyle had open heart surgery. We have records photos and footage of her taking Myles and Kyle. They are both in that file. The codes we found never made any sense to me until last night when I found out that you are a Steele that changed his name to Mathew when he came into power over Ice Moon. 

Then it all came into perspective when I found out that Dylan here was in town the night my parents died because he killed your mate a few nights before. She was the one responsible for the raid in the royal court that killed half of Dylan's family when Queen Amelia wanted to establish the Rogue alpha as an alpha of the court like the rest of us. You helped me build Dylan a place for him and his pack so that you could execute everyone as revenge," he didn't say a word as King Martius plugged the USB into his laptop and began to go over the files in them.

"This is treason not only against the royal court but against the alliance," Alpha Bart said looking over to me. "I might hate Alpha Dylan as much as the next guy but executing women and pups of our own kind is something unthinkable,"

"Reese this wasn't the plan," Wyatt said.

"What was the plan, Alpha Wyatt?" King Martius asked.

"He wanted to mate alpha Martak but he couldn't do that because Wayne was in the way. We wanted to remove Wayne from the alliance so she wouldn't trust him and he would leave her alone," King Martius shook his head.

"Jealousy is the main reason why many great alphas have fallen Wyatt," he said. Wyatt sat down with his head hanging in shame. "Reese you are under arrest for murder attempted murder and attempted mass murder. On Tuesday, April twenty-six two thousand and sixteen you will be publicly executed as an example of what happens to those who break contracts and alliances. Alpha Dylan your pack will be rebuilt and re-established as soon as possible. Alpha Martak you will receive a letter later this week with your instructions," 

"Yes, sir," I said as he slid the file over the table back to me.

"I downloaded the file into my laptop and it will go to the royal guard evidence system. Oh and Alpha Wayne,"

"Yes, sir?"

"Welcome to the family. If you hurt my kid I'll rip your balls out and make you eat them,"

"Hey, didn't Cam tell you that too," I laughed.

"I'm rethinking our relationship, beautiful," he whispered leaning into me as we walked out. 

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