When he tells him

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Leo's p.o.v

I was shocked at first to see him crying but all I managed to say was "no why would you say that your just protective of us is all" I said looking at him also crying to when he seen me also cry he got up and came over to me and hugged me said those three little words "I love you leo". and that when I started to cry because I had a crush on him to but there is a secret I have not told them and that is that I'm a girl I'm not his brother but a sister I told master splinter and he told me to act like one of the boys until they were already to know so I think it is alsmost time to tell them I hope Raph will still love me.

Raph's p.o.v

Leo came in to my I was in my bed after I got in a fight with Mikey and Donnie and they called me a bad brother and when Leo looked at me I started to cry I asked him "if I was a bad brother" all he said was "no why would you say that your just protective of us is all".I looked at him almost crying and I got up and hugged him and yes before you say anything   I do have feelings for my brother but the feeling is love not like a brotherly love. I told him how I felt I said " I love you Leo". And then he started to cry so I cryed with him but I wanted to know what he has been hiding from us I needed to know what he has been hiding so I asked him all he said was "I will tell you tomorrow" he kissed my cheek and ask me if he could spend the night all I could do was nod what that I got in my bed and Leo got in and layer his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him and he fell asleep I fell asleep soon after with a smile on my face and my arms around the one I love.

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