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In this season, a man wearing a dress shirt with a tie for business is suitable for almost all circumstances. In some offices, or outdoor work sites, short sleeves may be appropriate. Look at the example set by your supervisor and respected colleagues. If these people wear short sleeves, then it may be okay in that situation. When dressing to impress, do not follow the standard of the office non-conformist. Sleeves can always be rolled up if necessary.
Collars come in different styles, usually a normal pointed collar and a spread collar. Spread collars are newer and show a contemporary fashion. The spread accents the tie, and therefore look better with a wider tie. Some shirts have different color collars than the shirt which appears bolder.
Men's Hoodies make a welcome return as they have been reinvented to form an integral part of your wardrobe rather than a casual cover-up. Hoodies have become sophisticated enough to be street-savvy garments, layer them over a tee or shirt, or be more adventurous and go for a Juicy Couture hooded leather jacket or an Sidewalk Tailoring hooded blazer.