Chapter 12

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My fellow Witches, Wizards, and others...

Time to introduce Alyssa to someone she has wanted to meet for a very long time. Remember, I own nothing but my own characters and plot. Everything else is the property of J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan. Vote, comment, and Enjoy!


The  rest of the holidays passed with nothing interesting, and so does most of the spring. I am ready to be back at Diagon Alley, working with Barty or Myrtle, something! Right now I am in my tree-cabin, Draco is sitting on the sofa. It is close to the end of the school year and I am taking advantage of the time I have left with my boyfriend, something told me I would not be seeing him for a long time. We could hear the Gryffindors practicing in the field, Harry is probably astride his new Firebolt. My stepfather had sent it to him, but with McGonagall suspecting him, it took a very long time for Harry to be able to ride it. My stepfather I know would not jinx the broom.

"Aly Airhead, what are you thinking about?" Draco drawls. I look back at him for a second before focusing back on my painting. I take one more flourish of my brush and stare at the picture in satisfaction. I turn to Draco, a huge grin on my face. "And what has you so happy?" he says, getting up and trying to see the painting behind me.

"Oh, just this." I say and step aside for him to see my artwork. It is a painting of an ocean view with two people sitting on the shore and watching the sunset. The man has his arm wrapped around the shoulders of the woman. Her head on his shoulder. The sweetest moment I thought of is on the canvas.

"Very good, I like the couple." Draco compliments. I beam at him and cleaning up my stuff I take a seat on the sofa and snuggle up into Draco's arm, letting the crackling fire and Draco's warmth relax me. Then Alice came swooping in.

"Alyssa, you are needed." I look at her from my spot in Draco's chest, an eyebrow raised at the owlet. "Alyssa, you have been here longer than you two realize, that sound..." she is cut off by a sudden cold spurt and then the wind snuffs out the fire and I feel that cold sensation running up my spine. I turn and see Draco shivering. I kiss him and knowing that this is going to be a long night, I tell him to get back to the castle.

"Alyssa, what are you going to do?" he asks me, his eyes show the fear and worry.

"I am just going to make sure that those three idiots don't get into too much trouble." I say laughingly. Then without waiting any longer I dash out of the tree house and follow Alice to where the Trio is. The night is now on the approach and I know that Hagrid is still with the Minister and Dumbledore. Buckbeak is probably dead by now.

There had been quite a fight over the last month about Draco's smug attitude to Buckbeak's execution and finally Hermione had lost it and slapped him across the face. It took three weeks and a few Cheering Charms, plus a bit of persuasion to get the four together. Wherein Draco had burst in a fit of rage about how Buckbeak could have killed me and so he wasn't going to lose any sleep over this if he died. And while the others had been angry they could see his perspective, thus, they forgave his behavior.

I sigh as I remember that. Then I see a large black dog on top of Harry, before it leaps off and starts bounding towards him again, but my keen eyes see what it is really after, Ron's rat, Scabbers. Weird. It bites down on Ron's arm and drags him away like a rag doll. Then Harry and Hermione are hit by some the branches of the Whomping Willow. "Lumos!" Harry cries, brandishing his wand. They realize that they are at the Whomping Willow. Ron is already disappearing. "Ron!" Harry shouts.

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