"Yeah We're Breaking Free" Chapter 7

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Every since Carter's brother, Trent left when I was eleven and him and Carter were both twelve. I only saw him that Summer for a couple weeks. After that, my mother always brought me to spend a month at my aunt's house and it always in July, the only month Trent came home. So I haven't seen him since he was thirteen. Four years...Wow I didn't think it's been that long..

All three of us use to be best friends when we were young but slowly Carter and I drifted away from Trent when he got mixed up in a bad crowd. But when he went to the boarding school, we all became great friends again.

Trent wasn't a bad kid. He had a little bit of a temper problem and a major ego, but it wasn't anything major. So when I heard he was part of the group that burned down an abandoned warehouse that was down the road, I was surprised. He and Carter had only turned twelve a week before it happened.

However, I wasn't exactly shocked when Trent was sent to boarding school two states away. It was something called a 'Behaviour Correctional Facility', more or less like military school really. The school helped hin stay away from the group of 'hooligans' but it didn't help his cockyness.

After I managed to survive the rest of the school day (ignoring most of the jokes at my expense). I couldn't help think back to my childhood, hearing Trents name was like a blast to the past. Corny right?

I remember one particularly sunny summer day, Carter's mom and my mom brought us all to the beach. I was eight years old, Carter and Trent had just turned nine.


"Lets play truth or dare" Trent smiled devisouly, his eyes had a playful sparkle in them. We were sitting on a blanket that was pretty more covered in sand already. Our parents were up further on the beach sitting in fold out chairs and gossiping. We were still in their view though so the chances of being abducted were quite low. Anyway, I was pretty buff fr an eight year old girl, I could so take them on if they tried.

Carter and I exchanged nervous glances. Whenever we played these sort of games with Trent it usually ended in tears, my tears to me exact.

"Okay.." Carter replied unsure of Trent's motive.

"Good I'll start. Rose, truth or dare?" Trent's head snapped towards me. I gulped nervously. Either opition could end just as badly.

"Emm..Truth?" It came out more of a question then a reply. I could only imagine what his dare would be like so I chanced this option.

And regretted it.

"Okay" Trent smirked proudly. Now I was seriously worried in what he was about to ask. Even though I was eight and the most embarrassing thing I have done was kissing Carter and Trent on the cheek, forced by my parents.

"If you had to marry one of us. Who would you marry, Me or Carter?"

Well this was awkward... Well it was awkward at the time considering I was only an eight year old at the time.

"Well-Hmmmm.." My cheeks went read as I pondered on the question.

"Trent, what kind of question is that?" Carter complained.

"What, it's a pretty innocent question." Trent lifted his hands up defensively. "Anyway, she's so going to pick me." Trent smiled smugly.

"Carter, I pick Carter." I deadpanned, trying to bring his ego down a notch. It worked because he was noticeably quieter for the rest of the game. Mission accomplished.


Wow I was a weird child..

I sat at my desk in my bedroom and pulled out my homework, deciding I should get started. After a couple of hours trying to figure out this impossible algebra and trying to understand what Shakespeare was even remotely babbling on about, I heard a car pull into Carter's driveway.

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