Ch.7 Oliver's visit Pt.2

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~what up guys! So I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter I mean who doesn't love 2p england X3 anyways enjoy this chapter! ~

[Y/n POV]
My eyes widened as oliver told me to leave he was smiling but the tone in his voice sound scary I don't know what it was the fact he told me to get out or the fact that he's smiling very oddly, I shrugged not knowing what to really do at this point I mean is he mad? I looked at Arthur and he sighed "i-i think you should go.."he said I nod as I stood up "I'll walk you out"Oliver said as he then quickly stood up Arthur stood up as well but Oliver just made him sit back down he then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door he then shoved me out and before he closed the door he smiled and held his hand out "here have a cupcake I made it for special people like you"he said I took the cupcake "it could of been worse.."he said as he then quickly shut the door on me before I could respond,I wondered what did he mean it could have been worse? I shrugged it off and started walking towards my car, as I did I also inspected the cupcake Oliver handed me it looked like a normal cupcake I shrugged once again and was about to take a bite when I tripped and ended up dropping it I pouted I really did want to eat it..I sighed and went into my car I then pulled out my phone and went to my contacts I pulled up Alfred and was about to call him..I haven't heard from him and he wasn't home..I hesitated for a moment but I then called him anyways

[Oliver's POV]
I shut the door on y/n before she could ask anything I really didnt feel like talking to her I walked back to Arthur and he gave a glare at me "what?"I asked he continued to glare when he then sighed "you better have not did anything to her"he said I smiled "of course not"I said looking as innocent as I can Arthur rolled his eyes and walked away I shrugged and smiled again "now what should I do to Alfred?"I asked myself as I sat on the couch I then sighed as I just decide to make him a "special" cupcake as well I mean I do love baking! I then got off the couch and went into the kitchen to make Alfred a cupcake

[Alfred's POV]
I was at Mc Donalds sitting at a table I finished all my food already I just sat there bored,I sighed as I pushed up my new glasses I had got since my old ones broke,then my phone rang I took it out of my pocket to see who could be calling me and I saw it was y/n my eyes widened I answered it "h-hello"I said my voice sounding shaky and nervous "oh Alfred...are you okay?"she asked I sighed "yeah..I'm fine"I said when I really wasn't I still haven't got over what had happen but there's nothing I could really do about it now.."look Alfred i-i was thinking about leaving for a couple of days go see my know think about everything"she said my eyes widened at what she said she's leaving!? "Oh..your leaving huh" I said as I felt a pain In my chest "I said I was thinking about don't jump to conclusions..I just need some time to relax and think"she said "oh alright..well it was nice talking to you"I said as I tried to sound cheerful "Alfred..." "Look don't worry about me I'm fine just go spend time with your mom"I said not really meaning what I said "are you sure I'm worried about you two-" "hey like I said don't worry"I said cutting her off she sighed "fine I'll only be gone for two days and I'll be back"she said "bye" she said I felt my heart break at that word..that one simple word.."bye" I finally said when she then hung up I put my phone away as I sighed I didn't want her to leave even if it was for two days..not again..I sighed once more as I laid my head in my arms when I then heard giggling I looked up and there stood two girls,one of them were blonde and had blue eyes she was taller then the other girl and she had black hair with brown eyes they both giggled again " you guys need something?"I asked sitting up they giggled once more I started to get a bit irritated "uh my friend here likes you"the Blondie said as she moved aside so her friend could be closer to me "well hell-" "here!"she said quite fast handing me a cheeseburger "I see you here a lot so I thought this would be a good gift"she said I smiled and took the burger "alright a free burger!"I said as I then started to eat it "so how would you like to go on a date with my friend?"the blonde one asked "nah"I said as I continued to eat, the blonde had an angry expression on her face "how rude! She likes you and she buys you something and when she asks you out your response is nah!" She yelled I finished the burger and looked at her "first of all thanks for the burger second of all you asked for her all she did was give me a burger third of all I said nah because I already love another girl who's very special to me"I said as I then stood up "so if we're done here see ya dudes" I said as I left heading home..

[Oliver's POV]
I sighed as I still sat waiting for Arthur's stupid roomate to return, when finally I saw the front door open I stood up smiling and out came Alfred "Alfred!!"I said he jumped a Lil he then sighed "Oh oliver what's up dude"he said "nothing its been so long since I've seen you!"I said as I hugged him "not long enough"I heard him mumble I tightened the hug "u-uh..dude I c-cant b-breath"he said I then let go still smiling "oh sorry..oh! Here I made a cupcake just for you!"I said holding out the cupcake towards him he then pushed my hand away "nah I'm alright "he said I started to get upset "no here just take one bite "I said holding it out towards him "no I said I'm fine"he said I started getting irritated "just eat it"I said trying to keep calm "I said I'm fine dude"he said as he walked away I got really mad now I then grabbed Alfred and turned him around "just eat the dang cupcake!"I yelled his eyes widened "alright alright I'll take the damn cupcake" he said as he finally took the cupcake I smiled as he then walked away with the cupcake "good now that's all taken care of"I said to myself now my brother wouldn't have to stress out anymore..

[No POV]
Oliver then walked off to go find something to do as for Alfred he took the cupcake but he still didn't eat it instead he just threw it outside he then went to go talk to Arthur even after what happened he did want to make up with Arthur but he also had to tell him about y/n he went to go check to see if Arthur was in his room he raised his hand up to knock on the door he took a deep breath and let it out as he then knocked on the door and the door opened and revealed Arthur standing there his eyes widened "look Arthur I need to talk to you"he said Arthur nod and let Alfred in, as that happened oliver went outside to throw out trash when he came across dead pigeons and there on the floor was a half eaten cupcake oliver got mad 'he didn't eat the cupcake!' He yelled in his head as he was now irritated....

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