Step 1: Getting used to the fact you've got an exam

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Buff, I've got a literature exam next week, I should start studying... Is that Nutella?
(One week later)
I'm so stressed because tomorrow I have an exam and I haven't studied anything!

To how many of us does that happen? Almost to all of us! We procrastinate until the last minute, study everything the night before, don't sleep at all and then we go to the exam half-dead. No! That has to change.
First of all, you have to get used to the idea that you've got to study and start doing it.
As our willpower disappears when there's something more interesting going on, what I do is to stabilise a priority order: I do a list with the exams I have, ordered according to the date (the ones on the top are the ones that are sooner) and then I choose which one to study in function of the difficulty, length of the lesson and time (approximate) that I need to study it.
I know to some of you it happens the same as me "I'm going to get up on Sunday at 9 a.m to study maths until 11:00 a.m, then I'll study literature until 2 p.m and in the afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m I'll do biology so I have some free time" I never do what my schedule said. The intention is good, but if I get up at 12:30 a.m, have breakfast, study about 30 minutes (because there's always something to do before studying), have lunch, watch TV and then I look how beautiful the biology's book cover is, doesn't help at all. We have to be realistic and do our schedule according to our personality.
You can also print a calendar of the month, write on it, and then strike out what you've done.
The best thing to do? Start checking the lessons at least a week before the exam, little by little, a piece of the lesson per day.
That thing of studying everyday has never worked on me, because we take way too long to finish a lesson in class and when we finish it I have already forgotten what I "studied" to weeks before, but if it works on you, you are really lucky!

That thing of studying everyday has never worked on me, because we take way too long to finish a lesson in class and when we finish it I have already forgotten what I "studied" to weeks before, but if it works on you, you are really lucky!

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(My lists are usually the pages of the weekend of my agenda or post-it notes, and I always write a square next to the exams to cross it when I finished studying that subject)

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