Solemn Vigil

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The clatter of footfalls against metal filled the corridors of the UES Contact Light. Their din was carried on the wind that swept through the damaged ship as it hurtled towards the alien surface of an unknown planet, the wounded vessel barely managing to stay in low atmosphere. Reinforced windows designed to withstand the vacuum of space shattered and exploded as the metal hull of the ship burst into flames, a ribbon of fire and smoke trailing the doomed ship as it broke apart at the very seams, yet somehow managed to stay airborne.

The survivors were out of time. Eleven of them sprinted through the final bulkhead door as it slid open with agonizing slowness. However, one of them simply walked backwards through the opening, his dual auto pistols blazing as he unleashed salvo after salvo at the mob of creatures rushing down the deteriorating hallways of the ship, eager to rip him and his ragged companions to shreds. Hot lead bit into the flesh of a massive, tan, reptilian humanoid, as the force of every pounding shot sent it reeling back a few steps, while it impotently hissed and roared, flames pouring out of its maw. A final shot connected, the bullet ripping into its skull as it tumbled backwards, but three more of its kind were already rushing past the fallen Elder Lemurian.

"Jason, get in here!" a gruff, gravelly voice yelled from down the corridor, as a streaking purple laser slug raced past the dual wielding Commando, the intense heat and light of the round illuminating his weathered orange armor, the plates of carapace shining dully in the sudden light. The shot smashed into another Elder, the powerful slug tearing the reptile's head wide open as it stumbled forwards, blood oozing from it's ruined skull cavity.

"I'm coming Lex, just gimme a sec!" the Commando called back at the sharp-eyed Bandit covering him. Another laser slug rippled through the air, slamming into the shoulder of an Elder that was rampaging forward wildly. The Commando turned sharply, letting his smoking pistols take a break as he dashed forward a few feet, before diving into a roll, an orange inferno engulfing where he had just stood moments ago.

"Lex, we got a bit of problem over here!" cried a distorted feminine voice as an explosion rocked the bridge of the ship.

The metal doors between Jason and Lex snapped shut instantly, as the Commando slammed into the door, coming to the end of his prolonged roll. He bolted upright, despite the abrupt impact, and pounded his gauntlet clad fists on the door, metal screeching against metal, as the roars of the Elders still madly giving chase reminded him of his situation.

He took a deep breath, pivoting around to face the oncoming rampage of gnashing teeth and fiery breath, peering down the wrecked corridor through his bulbous, orange tinted space helmet, that was laden with cracks, damaged in multiple spots. His boxy, yet effective and light suit of semi-powered armor had fared no better, the entire thing covered in scorch marks, dents, and puncture holes. Even his form fitting, black space suit beneath the armor was torn and ravaged to pieces, showing bits of savaged flesh that bled profusely.

"It's all in the training ..." he mumbled to himself quietly as he raised his two auto pistols, spreading his legs as he steadied himself. A torrent of cascading claws and ravenous maws surged towards him as he pressed down on both triggers.


"Goddamnit! HAN-D, get over here and pry open these gad dang doors!" Lex shouted, readjusting his worn cerulean cowboy hat. He turned from where he had been facing to cover Jason, shifting his long, slender laser rifle in his hands as he did so. What he saw as he turned was simply beyond words. Even through his cyclopean helmet, the burning white light glowing around his visor's central eye, Lex was able to clearly see the scene unfolding before him.

The bridge was a large room, with two rows of control panels on either side. They were big bulky, immovable things with plenty of strange buttons, holo interface panels, and knobs that only the now late crew of the UES Contact Light would know how to use. Situated above these dozens of control stations were two observation platforms that could only be accessed by metal, dropdown service ladders; one platform on each side of the room. Large, panoramic windows wrapped around the sides of the bridge, beside the rows of navigational equipment, culminating in a wide swath of window at the head of the room. The center of the bridge was devoid of any kind of equipment, just a nice, wide-open walk space with the captain's control station at the far end of the room.

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