Chapter Two *Before You Leap*

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"Lexi ... " Niki Couldnt Breath. they Were Walking Straight twords them. Their Was Literally no one else In the parking lot. She guessed all the fan were so eager they went inside hoping BYE would be in there too.

"Are thoes the little Squirts?" Niki's mom asked As she put her keys in the ignition. 'their Cute. good Luck. ill pick you up after the Concert. Wait here For me!" With that she left. Niki Didnt even Listen. All she Could See were them. Toby, Braiden, Riley, Thomas And Connor. It Was Like A Dream Come True. She Promised Not to Freak out.

"lexi .. its Them. its Toby And Riley" She Whispered. that Was All she could let out. Her Hands came to Her face. She Was Crying. Right  There. In front of them . And she Couldnt Stop. Lexi Stood Behind Her.

"I Know niki. I Know." her Tears Were falling too. " We cant let them hear us like this" She said just as they walked up.

"Hey Are you guys Here For the Concert?" It Was toby who Spoke. His Voice Was Perfect. Different Then On the Videos. it Was Smooth adn Pleasent. Lexi Was put together now but niki couldnt stop her self from crying. it was Actually happening.

"Yeah.." lexi Wiped her Eyes." Where Her For the Concert. im Lexi .. this Is my Friend niki. im Sorry Shes Just .. Shaken." Niki tried to cover her face. "Shes just Really Happy to See toby." She Let out a Small laugh at the end.

"Im Flattered." Said Toby, " but IM just A regular person." Niki Looked At him. He was More that that. He Held Out his Arms. He Wanted to hug her! She Walked into His Arms and started to cry more. She let it all out this time. His  Arms Felt warm. Like this Was were She Belonged. His hug Was enough. She Stopped crying.

"Dont Cry. im Sorry If I made You Cry. " He Said And Wiped the tears From her face. She looked up At him his eyes Were Glued to hers. She Smiled. And Looked At Riley He And Lexi were Talking. Perfect, everthing is perfect, She thought to herself.

"Well, Do you guys want us to walk you in to the concert. We came out here to pick a winner to come on stage with us. i guess you guys win!" Connor smiled. Lexi looked up From her conversation. Niki Knew It was a happy conversation for Lexi Cause She could Tell Riley was Flirting back.

"Wait We can go on STAGE With you?' Lexi said confused.

"yep. but we gotta go now." Connor turned and started to walk. Thomas And Braiden followed behind then, was Riley Who Lexi Was now holding His Arm Laughing And then Her and Toby. He Put His Arm Around her Waist.. She Blushed.

"So.. Like i said before. im Sorry I made you Cry." He Said. She Giggled.

"No, its Not your Fault i find you irresistable." niki Said. She Was Suprised. Niki was The WORST at Flirting. it made her sick. but With toby .. it felt natural. She lookd up At him.

"Its Funny.. " he Paused "Cause thats how I feel About you." he Looked At her. their Eyes Were In lock.  She Couldnt Help but smile. It was the best thing She'd Ever heard. "Hey, After the concert do you . .uh . wan to go out somewhere?" He waited for her answer.

'Uhm .. yeah. Yeah." She didnt mean to sound hesitant but she did.

"if you dont want to its ohk." he said Her eyes grew wide.

"No, no. its Not that. im just Shocked. i htought youd Never ask." He Smiled At her. it Was th emost perfect full-mouthed smile ever. They were on the side of the stage now.

"Now Before We Let Before you exit Come out. they Went Out side to pick Two Girls to Come out On stage with them. Luckly there Was Only two Girls Out there cause you all were In here! So Here they Are. Before you Exit , Niki And Lexi." They walked out on stage. there was Seven chairs. they Sat It a semi circle. Braiden, Thomas, Toby, Niki, Lexi, Riley, And Connor. When the Music Came on they All Sang .. Even Lexi And Niki got A Microphone. Niki looked Over And Saw that Lexi and Riley Were Holding Hands the Whole time. It Was Like She was In A Dream. Lexi was Happy to hold Hands with the boy of her dreams .. She was Sure of this .. and Niki Had a date .. A DATE! with Toby McDonough?! It Was To good To Believe. They Sung "End Of The World" "Soldier" "three Perfect Days" then Riley And Lexi Did a Duet To "I Like that" lexi Had Such A Pretty Voice. Along With riley It Was Perfect. then Her And toby's Duet came. they Sang "A Little More You". Toby Kept Looking At Her. She Was So Head Over Heels. He grabbed Her Hand And It Was Magical. Their Voices together... their Finger Entwined.  It Was Magnificent!

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