Chapter 2

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The next day seemed to go really slow for Hermione. The lectures dragged on, her potion took forever to brew correctly and she just couldn't help but let her mind wander a little. Keeping all of this a secret was hard.

Perhaps I should tell Harry? That doesn't seem fair-he has enough to worry about. Plus, if I get everything just right, no one will know about this but me...The only thing is that I have to be careful not to reveal who I truly am. Especially in Camelot, depending on how far I can get the time turner to go, King Uther might still be king. If I am caught, I'll be killed. No no, Hermione. You're smarter than that.

After she finished all of her classes, she promptly started working on her homework. Harry was reading his Potions book, and Ron was playing Wizard's Chess with Seamus. Ron bet 5 galleons he could beat him. So far, Ron was barely winning.

This would be normal though for Hermione it wasn't. She was leaving tonight.

"I have to drop a book off to the library." Hermione stood up, stretched then smiled. "I'll see you guys later." Way later. She was tempted to give them both hugs since she didn't know when she would come back.

Ron didn't even look up, he just nodded.Typical Ron Weasleyish behavior. Hermione figured she might miss him more than Harry. Yes, they had their fights and then there's Lavender, but it still hadn't stopped her crush on him.

"See ya, 'Mione." Harry smiled, looking up from his school work.

Her heart pounded as she left the common room. She studied the grand castle carefully, thinking about which room she should use. Sighing, she realized the safest room was the girls' bathroom on the second floor. Only Myrtle was there. She had no other choice.

As she walked, Hermione thought back to the last time she was there in the bathroom. She had been making the Polyjiuce Potion. Cringing, she remembered the taste and how the potion had horribly backfired on her.

Myrtle was nowhere to be find. Hermione sat near the sinks as she set down the time turner, her book in her lap. Flipping to page 347, she found the spell she was looking for.

"Well, well. It's been ages!" Myrtle sniffed. "You haven't once bothered to come and say hi. Oooh!" She started crying. "The other boy, he comes here often to seek refuge at least he keeps me company. Oh no, no one else. No one cares about Moaning Myrtle!"

Hermione sighed, distracted, "Wait? Which boy?" She asks as she turned the time turner, carefully attempting to count the number of times. Maybe if she kept Myrtle busy, she would be less of a bother.

"Taking the secret to the grave, little miss know-it-all. He seems a bit lonely but he says I am good company." Myrtle singsongs, pleased with the attention and the mystery.

Okay, just a few more turns and it should be ready. Hermione picked up her wand, carefully putting the time turner around her neck, and she wore her bag on her shoulder.

"Oooh, what's this?" Myrtle says, finally taking notice of what Hermione was doing. I have to do it now! Before she finds out! If she knew, the boy would probably find out as well, whoever he is. Myrtle and secrets don't mix.

"Taking the secret to the grave," Hermione raised an eyebrow as she aimed her wand at the time turner. 

Hermione closed her eyes, focusing as hard as she could. Faintly, she heard Myrtle though she couldn't make out the words.

She whispered the spell, as if she were whispering a deadly secret. Opening her eyes, she saw a flash of green light. Then it was gone.
Now she was surrounded by trees in what she assumed to be Camelot. Mission accomplished.

Time Turner (Harry Potter/Merlin Crossover)HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now