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The crowd was crazy, most of the guys were ogling me openly in a weird manner. The women around here were wearing simple dresses covered with oversized sweaters, on contrary, I chose a white top with a denim Jacket on skin-fitted jeans. I gulped another drink, suddenly I was getting nauseous. I looked around over the crazy crowd, few people were having blast on the stage and a few were just enjoying their drinks. I also wanted to dance like them without worrying about your so-called image in society. It's been a long I felt free, always dad lectured us to be perfect around the society, we always carried his reputation on our fragile shoulders, then my Rick started instructing me around, not to wear this or that, not to drink, not to show your body around guys. Damn Rick! I was frustrated again, why didn't he even bother to wake me up before leaving, that night haunts me like forever. Again my thoughts consumed by Rick and his unannounced departure, was he angry because I denied him?? Argh..Do hell with him, this night was about me not for that selfish jerk.

Then I turned to Daniel, he was staring at me strangely, I couldn't stop myself from asking him "What?"

He replied slowly "Nothing!"

"Then stop staring at me." I frowned. Daniel was strange but his presence makes me happy. He always lightens the moment with his hilarious joke, he made me laugh, I never spent alone time like this with any other guy the way I was spending with Daniel, sadly not even with Rick. Daniel always tolerates my nonsense and listened to​ me patiently, he always has his attention on me, I smiled thinking how kind he was.

" Now, why are you smiling?" he asked

"Danny boy, you are adorable." I don't know why I am laughing.

"Don't call me that, I'm Daniel." He frowned

"Aweee, I love calling you Danny boy." I laughed hysterically.

"hmmm, how are you feeling?"

"Euphoric!!" I giggled with my slippery tongue, offering my hands to him for a dance "Care to dance with me?"

"No, Rick will kill me for sure if we start flirting with each other." Nonsense.

"C'mon, I feel like dancing. You don't know after how long I'm tasting this sweet freedom, nobody is here to stop me" actually nobody cares for me, I was sulking to myself.

"Nobody cared enough to make me feel lively, Daniel, sometimes I feel even Rick doesn't care." In my sad mood I put my head on Daniel's shoulder, he tensed.

"Jen, you are drunk" he stroked my hair & lifted my chin. I smiled at him half-heartedly.

"I know." I nodded blankly. "Danny, I have a feeling that Rick is hiding something from me. I swear, I trust him but can't help it.. he always finds a way to keep himself away from me. In our one year of our relationship, he didn't care to spend good quality time with me." I didn't know why I was talking randomly. But I want to pour my heart, and that someone was Daniel, I was comfortable with him. I never talked bluntly about Rick or my relationship​ to anyone, we were always a secret. Daniel was a good listener, a very good listener indeed, to a person like me who became lousy when she can't handle her emotions.

"Jen, maybe you are thinking too much. He loves you, this is the reason you have his ring on your finger, yeah?"

I smiled admiring my ring "True, that moment was magical when he proposed to me." I showed him my ring, it was the best moment of my life, he made me the happiest person on this earth by offering his love to me for a lifetime "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he poked my nose with his finger and smiled.

"Yes, this is a beautiful ring for a beautiful girl. The most amazing part of this ring is the words which engraved in the backside of the ring." What, I never noticed that. I removed my ring to see the words and that put a big smile on my face. "Be my love forever" with my moist eyes I looked into Daniel's beautiful eyes. I don't know what came to my mind, I kissed him on his cheek. He was stunned by my action. Oh God, even I was. Blame my drunken brain..

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