I'm Not In The Mood For Jokes.......

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A/N: Yes your eyes are not deciving you two udates in two days! I just thought I left you with a cliff hanger and I make you wait forever for updates that I should just update again.. Oh be warned they may or not be another cliff hanger just saying. Oh and before I forget when I did dedections last time i forgot to thank @Milkshake321 so thanks for all your possitive comments! Okay so happy, Happy Reading and Vote,Comment,Read! :)

After two minutes Clare finally responded.

‘Mike now’s not the best of time’

‘Clare please it’s important’

‘Sigh I can’t’

‘Did you really just text me sigh’

‘What r u taking classes from Finn on how to be a douche 101’ Shit great besides being a butt head , ass, sleaze ball, and jerk she has also added douche bag to the list of things she thinks of me.

‘No I just really need to see u’

‘Mike I’m not in the best of mood’

‘Clare please’

‘Can’t u just come over?’            


‘What r u slow today?’

‘No it’s just your mom is home so wouldn’t it be weird’

‘Mike u ways come through my window u must really need 2 talk 2 me’

‘Yea I do’

‘K so r u coming?’  I quickly ran back to the guys to ask them what I should do. I didn’t think she would ask me to come over. Should I go over I think she would be pissed if I showed up over there. Scratch that I know she would be pissed if I showed up there.

“I texted Clare and she said she can’t come but if I want to go over there. And dude if I end up with Clare you climbing up her Fucking window better stop”

“Oh look PMS over here needs our help” Zane said looking annoyed.

“And hey I don’t think of Clare like that” Michael cut in.

“I know it’s just Clare has my mind all over the place.

“Its fine just don’t tell anyone about Amber”

“No problem Mike, so what do I do?”

“I guess go” Zane says looking at the T.V

“If he goes through her window she’s gonna flip” Michael said looking at Zane as if his opinion was bonkers.

“True you can always ask her to meet you tomorrow” Zane suggested I looked over at Michael who looked as he just got the greatest idea. I could see the fucking light bulb on the top of his head.

“What is Mike?”

“It’s just that if you meet her tomorrow at the shore she could runaway but if you go to her room there’s nowhere for her to go” at that  moment Michael’s phone buzzed.

‘R u coming or not I need to know if I should lock the window or not’

‘I’m coming’I quickly texted back

“Guys I’m going”

“Are you sure bro?” Zane asked.

“Yea I’m sure” I told Zane and Michael before getting in my car and heading to Clare’s.

“Ok how the fuck am I supposed to get up there” I said once I was in Clare’s backyard looking up to her window I quickly took out my phone and called Michael.

Finn Watson "The Bad Boy"Where stories live. Discover now