The Basics

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Picture this, you're in a castle. Well, the dungeon of one. It's damp, dusty, and as hot as the earth's core. Trust me, I'm been there, it's pretty awful.
I'm huddled in the corner with Oz a few feet away and Ankara is on the other side of the dark room with Evan and Tiff. Oz is quite brilliant but odd. Even though he's only 15, before "The Overthrowing"started 2 years ago he was studying to be an engineer. He speaks 7 languages fluently and can recite the periodic table forwards and backwards. His hair is a dirty-ginger, curly mess and he's pretty tall. Ankara on the other hand is a petite little thing with freckles and strawberry blonde curls. She is a lover of animals and all other living things. She's also smart, but uses her smarts to help other people. Evan is the youngest, before The Overthrowing all he did was game. This has made him technically savvy, giving us an advantage. He has thick, giant glasses and a messy Mohawk. Tiff is basically a model. She has long legs and beautiful glow skin despite living in the cellar of a castle. Her hair is a short auburn pixie cut, and her eyes are a deep blue tint.
Then there's me, I'm Lilith but Oz and Tiff call me Lil. My hair is a gross dark brown color and just touches my shoulders. My eyes match my hair and my skin is pretty tan. Though we are in what used to be California, I am from London and have a thick accent. People always look to me to solve their problems but I can't help them. I'm no good at anything and too shy. Most of the time I don't even speak. That's how I ended up at this place. I stare at the dirt floor, I can feel Oz staring at me.  His eyes drill into me like the high tech lasers the guards have. Ankara giggles at something Evan says, we all know they have a "thing" for each other. Still they deny it every time. Tiff groans,"just make out already, I won't look!" Ankara gives her a look and Tiff sighs moving over to where me and Oz are. "Hey," she smiles at me. I smile back and Oz nods. 2 hours later the doors open.
The guard yells,"GROUP 165 WE'RE READY FOR YOU!" We get up and meet him at the gate. He's young, his brown hair is slicked back and he's wicked tall. The badge on his uniform reads Cameron. Oz gasps "Cameron Marvel!?!? Is that you?!?" Cameron looks confused "do I know you?" Oz shows his sassy unimpressed face,"chess camp. 6th grade. "OZ SULLIE!?! Is it really you!?" They hug while the rest of us stand there puzzled by what is happening. "Oz was the number one chess champion!" Cameron says proudly. Oz does his modest face,"well, I guess." They talk for a while until a voice from the hall shouts.
"GUARD 31117 WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Cameron stares at the ground like a little kid caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. "LET'S GO!" A head guard grabs his arm violently and pushes him down the hall "Go to your room you twit!!!!!" he growls at Cameron. Cameron walks away and the guard gets our numbers and gives us our rations.
We eat in mostly silence. Tiff groans as Evan and Ankara flirt with each other. Oz and I are silent like usual as Tiff does most the talking. Later we sit in a small circle. "Let's talk about our feelings!" Ankara giggles looking at Evan. "Ugh get a room!" Tiff says annoyed. Ankara glares. "If anyone should get a room it should be those too!" Evan chimes in pointing at me and Oz. Ankara gasps happily "totally! You two are perfect together!!" "Hmmm," says Tiff, deep in thought. "I can see that." My whole face goes red and I violently shake my head no. I barely know Oz, we met when we got here, in the dungeon. Oz speaks for me," I agree with Lil, no way!!!" "If you say so," Ankara smirks. I groan, I know this isn't over.
We fall asleep a little after that. I'm the last one like always. I think I have slight insomnia. I suddenly hear a noise and quickly sit up. I see a shadow on the wall. Someone is in the dungeon. I wake everyone up and they groan at me. "What is it?" Tiff says half asleep" I point at the wall. We all walk over slowly to the shadow area, Tiff leading. Soon we see the figure. He whispers at us,"if you want to get out of here follow me." We look at each other a minute and quickly follow Cameron into the darkness.

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