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As I roll over in my soft and comfortable bed, my hand flings over into a puddle of wetness. Shit. I must have drooled when I was sleeping or something. I flung the drool off of my hand. The next thing I did was out of pure clumsiness, I somehow managed to get my foot caught when I sat up. I then proceeded to do a little dance to get the thing out and nothing seemed to work. I gave up and sat back down, in which my foot became free and I was filled with disappointment. The smallest things grind my gears, its not the greatest way to live, but it works. I stood up and made my way to my closet, picking out what I'm going to wear. I eventually decided on a black T-shirt, black skinny jeans, my white converse, and a white blazer to go over my back shirt. I make my way downstairs and go straight to the front door, grabbing my backpack swiftly. I open the door and start walking down the small pathway connected to the house. I look up to see my bestfriend, Holly, and decide to walk with her.

"Hey, Holz" I greet with the nickname I've called her for the past 4 years.

"Hey Zay." She smiled

"Have you been practicing?"

"Practicing for the play? Yes. I have," I say "but its hard to memorize all the lines, especially since they're long."

"Well, it'll get easier, the play still isn't until a month from now, so plenty of rehearsals will do the trick."

"Yeah, I guess so." I trailed off

We walked in a comfortable silence to school. Its been kind of weird since last month when she broke up with her boyfriend. She never gave a reason as to why she did, but I'm sure she had one. I walk to my locker and the first thing that catches my eye is a paper taped to the door of my locker. Staying the word "Fag" if I could find out who did this, they'd be in a lot of trouble. My mom's a police officer, but I don't think I'd tell her just because I think she'd make it worse. This has been going on for months now. I have no ides why, but its starting to get to me. I started to self-harm not too long ago, it helps, but its not enough. I just want a solution to my problems, but there's only one way out and I've thought about it, but I've never tried it. I make my way to my first class of the day, English. It wasn't my favorite subject but it was okay. I sit in my seat on to be greeted by a paper ball hitting the back of my neck and a voice following it.
"Queer!" The jockiest of the jocks exclaimed

"You know what? Just fucking shut up you asshole." I screamed

"Mr. Muntz, is there something going on?" Mr. Frazier asked

"N-no sir." I stuttered.

I don't know why I have to be treated like this, I've done nothing wrong. Maybe its time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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