The first day

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I woke up at 6:00 and today was the day I went to the place I had hated forever and now I was going to school there I put on a Nike tee shirt some shorts and my nikes.Once we got there my mom filled out my paperwork and we walked down the hall to my new class.My teachers name was Mrs.Childers and she seemed pretty nice I got my schedule and my first block was math,ELA,Activity period,lunch,science,history,and then we went home.My cousin was in my class and I sat down beside a girl I had reckonized from softball camp.Along with a boy named Taylor and a girl named Mollie Kate.Alivia was the girl I knew and we started class.When recess started I met some people and their names were Clay,Pearson,Noah,Braxton,and Kylie.
I even learned all of their full names.Clays was Robert Clay Tacker,Pearsons was Jermey Pearson Duke,Braxton's was Braxton Lane Spees,Kylie's was Kylie Alyssa Welch,Alivias was Alivia Gail Tipton,And Taylor's was Taylor Reese hughey.They all seemed nice and after a few more hours we went home.

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