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Shadow and Echo jump onto Long knocking him off Winter and start growling and the others go over to Winter and help her up .
Winter : guys guys ! He wasn't hurting me !!
Echo : I don't care he's to close to you !!
Strike : Winter I can't believe your alive
She nuzzles Winter .When Frostbite walks into the den looking smug .
Frostbite : so Long are you welcoming our new visitors ?
Long : yes sir I am
Frostbite : good ~
Winter : Frostbite get away from my family
Frostbite : aww I'm not mean but here's what's going to happen your all going to stay here and become out new pack members !
Flare : what ?!?
Strike : no way !!
Russet : I refuse
Frostbite : don't worry you'll be welcomed
He walks around us .
Frostbite : ladies like yourselves
He smirks and all the females growl .
Frostbite : now all of you are going to have a wolf who is watching you at all times so you don't run off oh and you all won't be together that much so say goodbyes I'll be outside !
He leaves and Echo is really mad .
Echo : I don't need no male I'm fine on my own !
Winter : wait Echo we could get information from these males so just go along with it for now until we decide on a plan to leave
Shadow : alright........
Squirrel : I still don't like this
Star : I'm scared ......
Fern : me to .....
Winter: it's alright
We walk outside where Frostbite is .
Frostbite : alright Fern I'll be with you Winter Long will be with you Echo Grey will be with you Flare Deer will be with you Russet Speed will be with you Star Moss will be with you Shadow Robin will be with you Strike Juniper will be with you and Squirrel Bramble will be with you
The girls look kinda mad and growl a little .
Frostbite : alright the males are all over camp just look for yours they are already looking for you so Fern come with me
He pushes Fern away and Russet growls and is about to pounce when Speed comes up and smirks at her leading her away . Squirrel growls a little backing up when Bramble comes up behind her accidentally knocking into her then pulling her away falling once or twice and Squirrel grumbling . Echo is trying to quickly find a way away when Grey comes up and pushes her away trying to crack a few jokes . Winter sits down until Long silently comes up behind her and nudges her away and she kindly follows . Star is panicking when Moss comes up to her and smiles and walks away with her . Flare finds Deer and they walk off he suggesting hunting . Shadow is trying to hide in a corner when Robin finds her and quietly comes over and sits with her his head held high and Strike is glaring at Juniper who is acting stupid with her .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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