I wake up and notice a missed call.
I call the unknown number
The voice tells me to wake up and I get a chill down my spine.
Next it says to go to the park so later I do so and I see a women sitting on a bench.
I sit next to her and ask "we're you the voice and what is going on?" She replies "yes I was and you have been chosen to be the one who has to kill 100 people to live, you already have 10 down only 90 to go.
What!? I say but she covers my mouth.
Shhh!!! Some whone will here.
Ok ok what is going on I muffle.
She removes her hand and says you Hunter have to kill 90 more people and you will live and rule.
Rule what I curiously ask.
You will rule the under world,over world, and the heavens.
Can I make people do things?
Yes Hunter you will be able to do everything for you succeed.
*i look up then back at her but then she disappears*
In shock I go home and text angel "hey can you stop by my place?"•10 mins pass and she replies sure how about 8• ok I reply