The Who Am I Story

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By: Absolutely ME

There once was a boy who grew up without ever once seeing himself in a mirror.
He had no idea what He looked like. He only knew what he felt like, from the inside out. He didn't know how his voice sounded to other people, he only knew how it sounded to himself.

And he was happy that way until one day he went to a carnival and saw all the fun - house mirrors.

He saw himself stretched out, squashed down, pulled sideways, and all wiggly - waggly.

Nothing he saw matched how he saw himself in his head. It was like a ni'ghtmare ! Who was he really? He couldn't tell. He didn't know anymore.


----------After 10 minutes ------------

He decided he needed to find a regular mirror, not a fun - house one. Then he would see what he looked like. He would know who he was. By the Guess Your Wei'ght game there was an ordinary mirror. He was nervous, but he went up to it and saw a boy looking back at him He looked into the boy's eyes and smiled a big smile. There he was - himself. And he liked what he saw.


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