Day 2 of Truth: Just a Chance

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*side note: Bill is always saying the truth since he took the truth potion*
+Gravity Falls: Forest- Next Day+

Bill drowned Dipper with kisses all over his face with a smile as they both sat on the couch. "PineTree thank you for coming to get me! I love you so much!"

After getting away from the interrogation event, Bill had teleported them somewhere deep within the forest of Gravity Falls. Bill had snapped them up a big enough cabin for the both of them along with the necessities for his PineTree. After all, Dipper is human, and he couldn't survive without certain things.

"Bill that tickles." Dipper laughs at the pecked kisses on his neck and face. He was able to push the demon away after a few more kisses. "So did you lie to them when they asked you questions?"

The dream demon flinched at the question. 'If I answer him, it'll come out as the truth. I remember Shooting Star said that it last for 5 days.' He was brought out of trance by his lover snaping his fingers in front of his face. 'Just avoid the questions Bill, you can do it.'

"Hey Bill are you okay?" Dipper asked him concerned.

"I'm fine PineTree, I'm just thinking about something that's worrying me a bit." Bill assuring the brunet.

Dipper leaned his body against Bill sighing. "So what do wanna do today Bill?"

In Bill's mind truthfully he wanted to just snuggle with the boy while pressing kisses on his soft lips. 'Wait wait! Can't answer or it'll come out what I'm actually thinking!'. "I... How about we just stay in the cabin today? I really just want to snuggle and kiss you~" The truth coming out as a question and purpose. 'Bill Cipher you idiot!' He thought in his mind.

Dipper blushed and played with the hem of his orange shirt. "S-Sure Bill, I don't mind doing that." He smiled shyly at his boyfriend.

The dream demon was seriously melting inside at the look that Dipper is displaying at him. 'Why does this kid have to be so cute?!'. Bill moved the brunet onto his lap and snuggled his head between Dipper's head and shoulder. Lightly trailing kisses again on Dipper's skin.

Dipper blush grew on his face and just stayed quiet while Bill pampered him. 'Bill such a spoiler.' He mentally laughing.

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

Ford had taken to staying in the lab to sort out the answers they had gotten from Bill the previous day. Stan and Mabel were in the kitchen were in the living room watching reruns of Ducktective.

Mabel went over the questions and answers she got from Bill when she had asked. 'I still never got the answer why Bill is so close to Dipper. Ahh! Dipper, why did you have to get close to a demon?' She hugged Waddles close to her side.


"Yeah Grunkle Stan?"

Stan looked at the ceiling at first and back at the tv. "I'm starting to reconsider letting Bill stay with Dipper."

Mabel's eyes widen at what her Grunkle Stan just said to her. "But Grunkle Stan! Bill's a evil dorito!"

"I know that kid, but I just got this feeling in my gut that demon has changed over the year. Him being by Dipper seems safe to me too. I can see Bill is protective of Dipper's safety." Stan looked down at the sitting Mabel. "I think we should give the demon a chance."

Mabel pondered about it for a moment, thinking if Bill by any chance slips up with Dipper, then she could have a reason to get Bill to leave her brother alone. "Okay I guess, but if he's does something that hurts dipper than he's out."

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