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April glanced up from her computer as Sam brought in another box to set on one of the bookshelves framing the door to her new office.

"You didn't have to do that," she said as he started to pull the books out of the box.

"I know I don't have to. The point is that I want to."

April shook her head. Sam had been completely supportive of her new role in the company... Sometimes overly so. She had a feeling he thought he would somehow muck things up so he seemed to be walking on eggshells all the time around her. Though April didn't think it was possible for him to mess things up this point. Ever since her graduation, every day seem to be her own dream.

Even though it wasn't easy to find her new place now that she was a majority shareholder, she was better prepared for the responsibility than she ever thought possible. Apparently working sixty hour weeks the CEO for over four years straight was the best training she could've hoped for.

April stood from her chair and walked around the desk until she was standing only a few feet away from Sam and leaned her hip against the wood. "Why don't you stop acting like my assistant and start acting like my boyfriend."

That caught his attention as a wicked grin covered his face. "What about your no sex in the office rule?"

Damn it. She'd forgotten about that stupid thing already. It seemed like such a good idea to make sure their personal life didn't interfere with their professional one, but she'd somehow already forgotten how fantastic Sam wore those suits and how sexy the fear of getting caught could be. "Well that was always a stupid rule," she muttered.

Sam approached her and set his hands at the curve of her waist. "It wasn't stupid," he assured. "It was just ambitious."

She smiled at the assessment and leaned in closer to him. "Think we can make it a few more days without breaking it?"

"I'd be happy if we only made it a few more hours," he admitted as he bent down for a kiss.

Her fingers curled under the collar of his suit jacket as her lips met his. How could he still be this addictive to her even after they'd been nearly inseparable for the past few weeks? She'd heard of love being like a drug plenty of times before, but now had a whole new understanding of the phrase.

He broke off from the kiss. "You know, if we want to get around that little rule we can take a long lunch and head back to the apartment."

April had to admit, there was some benefits to dating a man who could afford an apartment so close to the office. Unfortunately she couldn't do a long lunch at the moment. "I wish I could, but I'm meeting Donald at one and I don't want to be late."

Sam grimaced but he didn't protest. That was a lot of progress on his part. April wasn't expecting a happy family Christmas anytime soon, but she was hopeful that by the end of the year, the two men would be able to at least stand in a room together without coming to blows. And that's what she considered a win.

"He wants to go over a few ideas he had for the future the company," she said. "I was thinking that if he had any big projects that you were open to considering, we could call Simon in again. I hate the way we left things with him and figure this could be like a peace offering. I'm sure we'll need to hire plenty of consultants in the next few years."

Sam leaned in for one more quick kiss. "I'm sure we will. But let's keep Simon West off that hiring list."

April frowned. "Why? I thought you approved of him."

"Oh, I do. Except the police apparently don't. Simon West was arrested over the weekend."

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