One small drag across the skin is all it will take, I know that I won't be able to stop but I do it anyway. Things are so bad that being addicted to this doesn't even bother me as it normally would.
I'm only going to do it when I really need to, I mean, bad days can't happen all the time right? It's not like I'm doing drugs or becoming an alcoholic so why is it such a big deal? Why am I afraid to tell my parents? Why should I? It gives me comfort to confirm that I can feel what is needed.
It calls to me, sings for me to come over.
I don't want to do this anymore but I just can't stop. The blood and the beauty of knowing is just how I calm myself down. The only problem is that now I have to hide it all. I can't wear shorts because I'm scared that someone will see my legs, see my scars...