Chapter 1- The Pack

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Kylie's POV


Sneaking through the palace was the easy part. It was something I had done plenty of times as a child. But sneaking through the palace to go to land without being caught by the attackers? Now that was a different story. Connor and I had to be swift and quiet. Easier said than done if you ask me. Especially because as soon as we broke free of the palace walls and was almost to shore we where caught. Three men had found us and had us surrounded. Knowing that there was only one way to have me escape freely and without injury, Connor knew he had to create a distraction. Get their attention off of me.... Even if it costed him his life. I was to scared to look back as I swam as fast as I could to the surface. I didn't want to risk seeing Connor getting ripped apart. I wouldnt have been able to continue. But as I made my escape I silently thanked Connor for protecting me all these years. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. He saved my life. And for him I will continue the mission.

   Once I was sure I was out of their sight and safe, for now atleast, from harm I slowed my pace. My tail was starting to get sore from swimming so fast and my eyes kept threatening to spill the tears for Connor. But I wouldn't cry. Not now at least. I will wait until I got to land and I was safe with the pack before I let myself cry.
  Glancing up to the surface I noticed that the sun was beginning to set. Meaning I didn't have much time left to get to shore before it was completely dark out. Taking a deep breath I set off swimming at a full pace again hoping to make it to shore. And after about thirty minutes of swimming I did.

   The most difficult part about arriving to the shore is shifting into your human form. It requires concentration, almost like shifting into your wolf form. But when you have three different forms it's kinda complicated. What's even more difficult is having twenty werewolves watching you do it.
When you are in your mermaid form your human and wolf senses are put on hold and you don't sense the things you would as a human, so that's why I didn't notice the incredibly sexy man pushing his was towards me until I was able to stand on two, very weak and wobbly, legs. That's when it hit me. The overwelming scent of cinnamon and pine. My eyes automatically sought out the source of the mouth watering scent. That's when I saw him. Six foot 4 inches of tan muscular sexiness. With dark brown hair that flipped up in the front and his eyes slanted in the shape that I knew oh so well from his Korean mother. I knew who he was automatically. Tanner Carpenter the Alphas son. And my mate.

Tanner's POV

"Where is she?" I asked my father my wolf was starting to get anxious just standing around waiting.
"Just be patient Tan, she'll be here soon enough" my dad, and alpha of the pack, said. Starting to sound annoyed at my constant asking. But I can't help it and I don't understand why.
*What's going on with you Alex?*  I asked my wolf hoping to have an answer to his sudden unsettling feeling. But I didn't get an answer all I got was a growl.
"Stupid wolf" I muttered under my breath earning a chuckle from my dad.
"Alpha we spotted her!" came a shout from my dad's second in command and the packs Beta Shawn. At his voice we all took off to the shore to see.
Thats when I saw her. The most beautiful creature the goddess has ever created. Crawling out of the sea, her long silver tail dragging on the sand, but soon it disappears and is replaced with two tan legs. As she stands up her long black and silver hair covers most of her exposed skin. My wolf growls at the thought of anyone else seeing her naked. The wind blows slightly and the scent that travelled along with it was absolutely mouth watering. A mix of vanilla and jasmine. "Mate" I say out loud and I hear gasps around me as the pack members make the connection and she looks up at me her beautiful ocean blue eyes looking straight at me I see her mouth the same thing. Kylie Siren, the mermaid werewolf is my mate.

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