Part 8

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"Pretty please, Alex?"

"I don't like pretty things."

"Ugly, hideous and atrociously unattractive please, please, please?"

I burst out laughing. He was really laying it on thick. I didn't think he wanted it that bad. I mean, I know it's amazing, but seriously, it's mine.

"Alexandria. You let me have him right now, or.. or I'll never speak to you again!" he cried over-dramatically.

"Eh, I can live with that. Besides, I'd rather have Steve than you." I said, mock teasingly. I'd put on my best pokerface. He gave a loud, fake gasp and stormed off. I shrugged and snuggled closer into the cushy blue sofa. I could see the top of his head pop round the door to see if I looked guilty, so I pulled a funny face, not looking directly at him. He made an impatient noise and strutted back in.

"Alex, what do you want in return? For one night with Steve, I'll give you something, promise. What do you want?"

"I want Hermione Granger.. and a rocket ship!" I joked, knowing he'd get it. I'd made him sit down and watch AVPM and AVPS with me. I could talk along with them. God, I'm awesome. And modest.

Well, Caleb loves me anyway. I could see the corners of his mouth twitching as he struggled not to laugh. He didn't look me in the eye. I let out a massive sigh and said, "Fine! But only one night, or Hermione gets it!"

His face lit up and he smushed me into a big hug.

"Yay! Alex, you're the best! Steve!' he jumped up and ran into the next room like a little girl. I shook my head at his childishness. How did I manage to get the coolest boyfriend ever? Oh, that's right, ancient prophecy and chiz. Hey, what is chiz? I think it's a German sausage.

Off track, sorry. Anyway, we are currently in the second hotel since we found out that people want to kill us. The first one was cooler, but Caleb said we had to downgrade. It was pretty cool, except the staff choice.

The lobby was a bit lame, it was painted a sickly colour of yellow and had green and orange sofas. The receptionist was a teenage boy, overly spotty and had greasy hair. Ick. We asked for a room and he grunted at us and shoved a key into Caleb's face. Then he pointed at a sign that had rules on it, but since I don't like rules, I let Caleb read it instead. Aren't I lovely?

The room was awesome. No other way to describe it. It had luscious turquoise walls with silver painted furniture. There was a small kitchen-type area with a mini fridge and a wine cooler (not that we'd use that). There were three rooms, this one, the bathroom and the bedroom.

The bathroom was plain, cream walls and a compact shower. A few shelves were scattered on the walls and the toilet sat at the edge of the room.

The bedroom was exquisite. The last person and the maid had either forgotten or couldn't be bothered to take the poster off the wall. I'd walked in and Caleb and I said simultaneously, "That is a boss Zefron poster." I looked at him with new admiration in my eyes. The bed had the same duvet colour as the sofa, the repetition was getting rather boring. Apart from a twin set of wardrobes and a desk with a mirror hanging above it, that was it for the room. It was pretty cool, but pretty boring. Contrast much?

"Alex, where's Steve?" Caleb called. I rolled my eyes in his direction.

"He's in my suitcase! I told you!" I yelled back.

"No, you didn't!" he responded. Oh, wait, I didn't. I hate when he's right.

"Flashnisnoolburd." I mumbled.

"What was that? 'Caleb is the most awesome, hottest guy in the world?'" he asked, stalking into the room.

"You left out modest, dear," I grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Steve's not in your suitcase or on the bed. If this is some trick of yours, Alex.." he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Jeez, I'm not that against you having him. Try the bathroom." I said.

He stalked out and a few moments later I heard a chuckle. "Alex, why is Steve sitting atop the toilet cistern?" asked Caleb. I blushed, thanking Wizard God he couldn't see me.

"Um, I don't like to go to the toilet on my own.." I whispered, hoping he couldn't hear me. Desafortunadamente, his hearing skills are sharp and refined. That's right, I know Spanish.

"Alex, that's so cute! Is that why there were loads of stuffed animals in your bathroom at home?" he asked. The word 'home' sent a pang of homesickness through my chest.

"Yep, I like to have conversations with them. Because I'm just too cool like that." I stated.

"That is so Alex-like. I love it." he muttered. I blushed again. Caleb came back through, Steve in his hand and dimples flashing at me.

"Ooh! Get Hermione! It'll be like a family!" I squealed, another pang shooting through me at the word 'family'. I want my mummy. My body visibly drooped. Caleb must have noticed because he ran to the bedroom, snatched up Hermione and catapulted into the space next to me. He draped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his chest. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling as close as possible. We lay back on the sofa, his arm round me and fingers playing with a few strands of my hair. My own fingers traced patterns on the hard contours of his chest. Steve and Hermione lay side by side between us.

"This is so cheesy, but I wish I could stay here, like this, forever. I never want to let you go Alex. I wish that none of this bad stuff was happening. I finally found you and then all this crap comes crashing down on us. I just want to be with you, every minute of forever, I want to protect you, I want you to have the happiest life possible." he whispered into my hair. A tear rolled down my cheek from his sincerity. He brushed it away with his lips.

"I love you Caleb. I don't want any of this bad stuff either. I wish the world would just leave us alone. There's nothing more I want than to lay in your arms, to hear your voice, to feel your heat. I never want to be without you," I responded, putting as much emotion in my voice as I could muster.

"What happened to my cynical, sarcastic Alex?" he teased.

"Oh, she's still here, fighting to get out. She just needed Romantic Alex to have her turn." I said, shoving him playfully.

"I like her the best."

"Me too, Caleb, me too."

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