Chapter Four

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The sun burned my eyes as I pulled the shade up. I stretched out my long arms above my head as I smiled, looking out at the nice street below.

The neighbors green lawn, the old tree that still stood after countless storms, the daisies growing despite the fact that they were on a concrete street.

I turned a little to the left to see a boy with headphones in and all black attire kicking rocks as he walked by.

Oh, that sweet boy. He was the reason I was so happy. He quite literally made my entire life by showing me such affection the other day, even though I was completely embarrassed. But the poor kid was always late to class.

Dreamily I watched and thought there was no wonder he was always late, he was walking so slow and getting sidetracked by everything!

But wait, why was he walking to class-

We have classes today! I could have sworn it was the weekend!

Hurriedly, I threw on some sandals, grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs, hoping Adam would be here and maybe a friend of his could give us a ride. But as got no response after telling his name, I lost hope and rushed out the door.

As I slammed the front door closed, I felt Matty's eyes on me. I walked down the front lawn and, with a brisk pace, started toward school. I'd be late for sure, but if I was quick, I could make it in time for first period still.

"Nice shorts." A voice yelled.

I turned around to see Matty running to catch up to me. I looked down at what I was wearing; a quite large and slightly stained white tee shirt, green and yellow floral shorts, no makeup, quite frizzy, unbrushed hair, and store brand Birkenstocks.

As he came over, I immediately felt embarrassed from the events of last night and turned away from him.

"Want to get out of here?" He practically purred.

Astounded, I pushed his hand away, as it was reaching for my waist-- I hope.

"Get out of here? Seriously? Some of us actually care about school and have to do well in it, in order to get a job, in order to make money, in order to survive! So no, I don't want to get out of here. And just because I let you get away with, with, with groping me the other night, doesn't mean you can touch me!" I yelled.  I realized that I had taken a few steps towards him and backed away.

"I am not one of those girls who you sleep around with." I stated and turned to walk away.

I got about four steps before a scrawny boy stepped in front of me.

"First of all, just because I don't care about school, doesn't mean I don't understand what it entails for people. Just because I don't commit myself to it doesn't mean I don't want to try and be successful in life. And about the other night, I didn't, 'grope' you. If you really want to get honest here, we had a small amount of dry sex!"

As he said that, I felt my face get hot.

"And, oh by the way," he continued, seeming very angry. "Sex is sex, so technically, that does make you one of those, 'girls I sleep around with.'"

He practically spat his last word and stormed off in a huff, the opposite direction of school. As tears welled up in my eyes, I started walking  away.

I got to school and signed in the late board. I stopped in the bathroom and I looked awful. Instead of going to class, I went up the school steps until I reached the gardens on the roof.

I crept to the center of all the beautiful plants, dropped my bag on the ground and slumped to a small, circle of a person. There, I cried pathetically. Not only over a boy I barely knew, or being yelled at, but just for selfish reasons. Just for myself.

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