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Woozi bae is calling you

Why the fuck would he call me?

Hoshi: what
Woozi: meet me at the park at 10 pm. I need to tell you something
Hoshi: ok

You ended the call

I forgot to change his name.

Change the name Woozi bae to Woozi?
And I clicked yes.

It was 9 pm right now and I only have 1 hour to go. I washed and prepared my clothes.

I got in the park and saw woozi with mingyu. "Hey hyung," he said. I nodded and impatiently said, "what do you want to tell me?" He whispered something to mingyu which made him leave. It took about 5 minutes for woozi to open his mouth.

"Let's break up."

"Okay. Have a happy time with Mingyu"

dear diary, 2-23-16

finally, he ended it. I was not trying to cry but I burst out when I got home.


Guys, I am very very sorry again for the late update. I am busy for school bc I am graduating this March 21 and my finals are coming this march 10 so yeah im busy and I dont where the story is heading but please enjoy!!

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