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"Lindsey, wait!" He yelled as I slammed the door of our tainted bedroom shut.

What the hell was he thinking!? This is supposed to be our sanctuary as a couple, our home. Not a hookup joint for his rising sexual needs!

I wiped the tears from my eyes, telling myself not to cry over him. He's not worth it.

Packing up my things, I shoved them in a backpack and started to head out the door.

Daniel burst out of the bedroom, one pant leg on, and jumping up and down, trying to get the other leg up.

"Lindsey! It's not what it looks like! Please!" He yelled out as he grabbed my arm.

I shrugged out of his grasp and slapped him across the face.

"If cheating on me with two other women not only AT THE SAME TIME, but IN OUR BED, isn't cheating, then WHAT IS!?" I yelled at him enraged.

Daniel ran his hands through hair, frustrated. "I'm sorry! I just- I don't know! You're never home, and I just- I drank a little too much, and then-"

"You are perfectly sober! You ran from the room in a straight line, WHILE PUTTING ON PANTS!!" I threw my bag to the ground and growled in frustration. "Why are you such an asshole!?" I whipped my head towards him and punched him in the stomach as hard as I could.

"Oof!" He tumbled backwards and fell into the couch.

My hands curled into fists, and as I was walking towards him, the bedroom door opened.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!" A blonde girl screamed as she ran towards him, my sheets wrapped around her.

"Listen here, you bi-" I stopped short of my insult as I saw another girl,  my best friend, emerge from the room, clutching a blanket to her naked body.

Her eyes went wide and tears welled in her eyes as she spoke, "Lindsey, I'm sorry- I didn't mean anything by it, I promise-"

I interrupted her with a strangled cry that came from my throat, hardly even sounding like my voice anymore.

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I screamed at her, enraged.

So full of anger and betrayal, I dropped to my knees and sobbed uncontrollably, wishing the ground would swallow me whole and take me away from my miserable life.

A hand rested on my shoulder and a shaky deep voice spoke, "Lindsey, baby," I cringed, hearing Daniel's nickname, as it now sounded disgusting. He probably called them baby too. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Please."

I sniffed and got up on my feet. Glaring at the three imbeciles who betrayed me, I pointed to the door. "Go."

"What? Baby, please." Daniel pleaded as he came closer to me.

Backing away, I shook my head. "Get out of my house," looking at my best friend, I snarled, "and take your two whores with you."

Emily bowed her head and went into the back into the bedroom, coming out with two pairs of clothes in her arms.

Daniel looked at both the girls as they headed out the front door, and sighed as Emily slammed the door shut.

He looked at me and ran his hands through his hair once more, obviously frustrated.

"Linds-"He started.

"Shove it up your ass, Daniel." I snapped at him. "You have 1 week to get your shit out of my house." I glared at him until he broke eye contact.

"Okay." He sighed. "I'll go get dressed and then I'll be out of your hair." He trudged back to my bedroom and as the door shut, I fell to my knees again.

My whole body was shaking, writhing in anger, and sadness. I put my face in my hands and let out a shaky breath.

You can't let him see that he's affected you this much. Get up. Do something. Anything but cry. I tried to urge myself to get up, and after 3 minutes, I finally decided to make myself some toast.

When Daniel finally came out of the bedroom he nodded to me and walked towards the front door. I followed his movements with my eyes, while eating my toast, being sure he didn't try anything stupid.

He rested his hand on the doorknob of the exit and turned around. His eyes were red and his face was blotchy. He still had a few tears welled up in his eyes.

I nearly dropped my toast at the sight of seeing him this distraught.

"Lindsey, I'm so sorry it had to end this way..." He spoke quietly, his voice dripping with regret, and a tear slowly fell down his cheek.

At a loss of words, I simply looked at the floor and nodded. And I'm sorry you had to he such an asshole, the bitter side of me remarked.

When the door shut, I let out a sigh, the last of my troubles leaving for the day.

"Well..." I spoke aloud, "that was absolute shit." I shook my head and flopped on my couch in the living room.

A numbness seeped into my chest and it felt like my heart tightened a bit. I let out a small groan and kicked the coffee table in front of me.

No one ever prepares you for a situation like this... When someone does the worst thing possible, and rips out your heart and smashes your trust to a flattened piece of nothingness.

I had lost my boyfriend and my best friend in one day.

If she hadn't been one of the girls he had cheated on, I would have called her and she'd come over and we'd watch movies and cry.

I threw the rest of my toast away and picked up my phone, dialing the person who I knew would always be there for me.

The phone rang several times, and just before it went to voicemail, a female voice spoke, "Hello?"

At the sound of her voice I began to sob, and my entire body wretched with each cry as I slowly curled up in a little ball.

The voice at the other end said comforting words as I cried, trying to get me to calm down.

Once my crying had subsided, I sniffed and took a deep breath.


A/N: Hey guys! So this is another short story, but I guess this one is really short. I had originally wanted an ex to come back drunk saying that they still loved them, but I just stuck with this one instead. Hope you like it! Don't forget to vote if you liked it! And comment suggestions or improvements! Want to know the reasoning behind this? Read the P.S.! If not, just skip over it :) love you all!

P.S. I felt like I needed to address the topic of family. In a lot of stories, the breakup-ee will go to their best friend, and family won't hear about it until afterwards. I think family should be the first ones to hear about it. After all, they're stuck with you for life. Might as well let them know why you're dying on the inside. :D Best friends may only be around for so long, and even then, they might not have known you your entire life like your family has. Yes, I know that most people trust their friends more than their family, which I don't understand but that's fine, you do you, but family will always be there for you too :)just a little thought.

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