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People tell us fairy tales aren't real. Just things made up in the minds of children or written in the pages of books. I say their wrong...
When I pictured death, it wasn't like this. I imagined pain, and suffering. But as I lay here on my death bed, I feel neither. A sort of peace filled the air, and I was numb. I felt nothing but the paralyzing numbness. Darkness came and went as it pleased. Oddly, when the darkness went, there was just a haze.
I seen figures dancing around the room, beautiful silhouettes merging together and spinning apart. The faint sound of music filled the air, a song I didn't recognize. One final moment of darkness, and the room was bright. The dull music that seemed to be fading into the background grew louder.
I was suddenly hyper-aware of my surroundings. What I thought was the silhouettes of a man and woman dancing was the projection of a movie. The music also came from the movie, and grew into the suspenseful kind from horror movies. I took a moment to gather my thoughts, and began walking around the seemingly empty room. I knew what I was, and I hated myself. An image flashed through my head, and I winced through the pain it brought with it.
My hand cupped around my throat, and I knew the pain was coming from there. A delicious aroma filled the air and I moved involuntarily. I ran faster than the speed of light-crates and boxes making a path for me to run through-to a set of doors. The warehouse was larger than I had thought. The scent got stronger and I flung the doors open. At my feet was a man with blood streaming down his neck, staining his clothes.
"Help me, my son. Together we can rule this place. Just bite him. It will only hurt the first time. Join me. I've seen that you want to run. To hide. I will always find you. " A raspy voiced man whispered in my ear. His last words echoed through my mind. I will always find you. As much as I wanted to resist, the weak beating of the strangers heart tempted me further.
    Before I knew it, his warm blood was rushing through my mouth and down my throat. Horrible visions of his life flashed before my eyes, but I was too thirsty to be startled. When I dropped his lifeless body, I turned to see an astonished man. Astonished, and amazed.
"What? Why are you staring at me like that? And why did you call me your son?" I asked. He smiled darkly. "What?" I demanded again. He stalked around me in circles. His eyes were glowing a bright, evil green with red pupils. There was a tint of neon to the green, and it burned into my soul. His smile seemed to darken further.
"Don't you understand? I created you. I own you. You will do as I say, or pay the price." He said in a deep, torturous voice. His eyes remained the bright painful green, compelling me to do what he said.

    "And what price would that be?" I asked bravely.

    "Death." He said in the same dark tone as before. And with that, he had complete control. Control he knew only he could have over me. My knees buckled and I let out a cry of pain. 

    "Why are you still doing that?" I managed to choke out.

    "Doing what?"

    "That thing with your eyes. Please stop! I cried. The pain lifted and I gradually rose to my feet. The man let out a dark chuckle, and I scowled at him.

    "You asked why I stared at you with astonishment?" He asked, getting around to my main question.

    "Yeah, I'd uh, kinda like to know."

    "Your different than others of our kind," I winced as he said the words our kind. Just the reminder of what I was made me sick to my stomach. "No one has ever seen the life of their victims. When I seen them rushing through your head, I looked down upon your victim, and his eyes were blank. They should have been wide, and grey. Your special." He finished, marveling over me.
"Your a mess. There's a hose out back. Go wash up."

"Thanks." I said sarcastically. I ran through the double doors to the back of the building. There were new clothes lying on the floor by the hose. I moved the hose away from the clothes and washed off. When I was changed and dried, I ran back to my master. He was waiting patiently for my return. He smiled at me and said,
"I must hunt, I shall return soon. Don't try anything. Remember, I will find you. Have fun." He whispered the last part in my face. His stinking breath brushed past my nose, and I held back a gag.
    He was gone for an hour, maybe two, but I wasn't keeping track. Each time he bit someone, it would appear in my head, and I'd wince.                
    Eventually I curled up into a ball in the corner. The pain went to my throat each time a victim was hunted. I paid no attention to the aching, but it tried to break down the walls I built around myself. He returned, and what I seen in his hands shocked me. He was holding a woman.
    She was tan, and also looked very tall. He set her on the table I had been lying on just a short time ago. "You have so much to learn in such little time. The Awakening, how to change people."

    "The.....Awakening?" I asked, confused.

     "Ah yes, The Awakening. It is a time where all vampires awake and feed."

    "All of them? Then how are there still so many people out there?"

    "We limit ourselves. We leave 200 people per state, or country, to repopulate. It is very chaotic, very chaotic indeed." He said.

    "Why does it hurt when I see a vision of you hinting?"

    "You're hurting? I'm so sorry, my child. I should've known. Silly me. Let us hunt together."

    "Okay!" I said eagerly. We walked out the doors and I was astonished at what I seen. I wasn't in a warehouse, I was in a castle. It looked to be from the 1800's, and had turrets with big buildings branching off from the sides. When I had ran out before, I kept my eyes on the ground, making it impossible for me to see what I was seeing now. The place I was held happened to be a storage room.
    My mouth gaped, and I closed it as soon as possible. The man, whose name was Keller, jumped from the turret we stood on, landing stealthily on the balls of his feet. I followed his movement, surprised that I, too, landed on my feet. A fall like that was fatal to mere mortals, but to me, a vampire, it was a piece of cake.
    We ran for hours, out of where we lived, away from the humans there. Keller told me that we lived in Europe, and that we're part of something called 'The Union'. " What's The Union?" I had asked. A look of happiness spread across his face. He smiled.

"The Union, my child, is us. Well, us and about 300 other people. There are five of us in the throne room. We need a big home, such as Fredrick Norman Memorial, to house all the vampires. There are at least 5,000 of us in this coven alone. We are the governors of the vampire world."
    "Who're the five in the front?"

    "Kammaru, Ryen, Zoe, and you and I." My mouth dropped.

    "Well, this is a little late, but, who am I?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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