((Omg I'm so scared rn I hot a 56 in math because of stupid ALEKS.
I am not a therapist, there for, math needs to solve its oWN PROBLEMS.
lol enjoy))A Night On The Town.
You took grenda to your little candy shop, making small talk like
What's your favorite movie?
I got a new dog in my dream!
... Ya, stuff like that.
Anywho, you two reached the sweet delight store, and you took her up to your living base. There, you two got all dolled up.
She was wearing one of your old dresses that for her like a charm. It was blue with green lacing, and a pretty pink bow in the back.
You always loved frilly dresses with polkadots and such, it always was your style.
Pastel and polkadots.
Anyways, Grenda wore purple slippers with the colorful dress, and had a green ribbon to hold up her hair, and you, boy, if any guy were to walk across your oath, they might think they were in candy land! You had a cute, poofy, and frilly dress that had candied designs all over it, and you had some knee high socks, rosey pink shoes with little candies on the front, like with tinker bell and the fuzz in the end of hers.
((Shush I love tinker bell))
You and grenda walked down the steps in sync, and posed at the end of the stairs, yet there was no one there to aplaud the amazing run way behavior. You both looked at each other and laughed. You remembered the bubble gum perfume candy got you on your birthday, and you put some of the sweet smelling goodness on, and let grenda do the same.
You held the door open for her, and she walked out, and you followed. Soon you two were strutting your way through town, smellin all great n stuff.
The both of you sat down on a bench, took out magazines, and waited like bait.
Nows my chance...
Thought this vigorous dorito, as he went in he's stylish, yet classy human form.
You noticed you were being aproached, and put down the magazine, only to be met with a tall man with a lean body, and it didn't look muscular to the point of noticing. He had tan skin, and his cheeks were dusted with light freckles. He had perfect chiseled features, and his chin was met end with a little bit of noticable sprouts. He had a completely yellow eye with a black slit for a pupil, and this made you curious. Looking on, you saw he was wearing a yellow sweatervest with a white undershirt, white pants, black slacks, all completed with a black tophat and bowtie.
You tried not to look in awe as you noticed how...familiar he seemed.
It couldn't...
Could it?
I think it is!
The infamous Bill Cipher was standing right infront of you.
He was a fampusly known demon, as you were a demon yourself, you knew how dangerous and powerful he was.
You had been a fan of his and his families work for ages!
"Well hello there, see somethin Ya like?" The fellow demon asked. You blushed at his smoothly spoken words, and looked down.
"E-er, um, I, uh-"
You were cut off by grenda.
"Heeyy cutie, you should totally give het your number, cause you two totally look the same age."
Grenda waggled her eyebrows.
Just then, mabel came out of the bushes, and looked at you and bill.
" your an adult, she's an adult...what's going on here?" Mabel said.
They were obviously trying to get you two together.
"M-mabel!! Where did you come from?! Weren't you at your home with dipper??"
You asked, changing the subject like a smart person.
"Oh Ya, dipper..."
She sank back in the bush, giving off rasberries in the prosses.
"What the.."
You looked in the bush, but she wasn't there.
"She has magical ways...
Grenda stated, opening her arms for effect.
Bill chuckled.
"Eh heh heh, yaaaa, you still want that number?"
He said, looking at you.
"Er, I, um, I-I-"
"She'd love to take that number off your great smelling hands!"
Grenda said, taking a slip of paper from him and giving it to you.
Bill rolled his one showing eye, the other blocked from sight by his fluffy golden locks.
"Well, I hope we meet again, sweet heart.."
He winked, and with that, he was off.
You stood there, dumb founded.
Sweet as sugar....eh heh heh heh... I'll make her mine.. even if its the last thing I do... I'll have my permanant sugar high..
He laughed to himself, still thinking about your sweet, delicious presence, that made him tolerate, like, or even love candy more than he already does.
You were his new drug.
And he is addicted.
More.((DAMN that was a long chapter.
Oh Well.
Oh Ya, the song is so great like Omg.
Listen to it.
Love it.

~★Haven't Had Enough★~ Bill Cipher X Demon!Reader
FanfictionHello all you dorito lovers!!! I'm the narwal!! And this is a little x reader for Ya! You, my little futuristic lover, are a candy demon! You enjoyed various types if sweets, obviously, and you took pride in the little store in the wacky town of...