Chapter 14

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Both me and Angela gasped at the sight of him. When I looked out the window, I realized that it stopped raining.

Just as I was about to get up and go over to Jack, Angela held me back and whispered, "Are you sure you want to go to him?"

I nodded my head and she released me.

I slowly walked up to him as he kept his nasty eyes on me.

"What the fuck do you want, you perverted freak?" I asked after I was in front of him.

I noticed the people who were still looking and said, "Where the fuck are your lives? I know that they aren't over here." Then they turned their heads away.

I grabbed Jack's jacket and pulled him over to where I was previously sitting.

Angela stiffened in her seat and she pressed her lips together.

Jack sat down next to me. Ugh.

He finally took his eyes off of me and looked over at Angela.

"What, I don't get a hello?" Jack asked.

Angela looked like she was about to smack him.

"No. But if you want a smack instead I'll give you that you little bitch." Angela snarled and pressed her lips together again.

"What the fuck do you want Jack?" I asked, getting annoyed.

His blue eyes darted over to me.

"Oh, I missed hearing that voice." Jack said, avoiding the question.

"I said what the fuck do you want!?" I screamed at him and an employee came over to my table.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we don't use that type of language around here." The employee said.

"Well I just used it, so, what the fuck are you going to do about it?" I stood up and got in her face when I said it.

"Your going to have to leave." The employee said slightly backing away.

"Make me." I growled at her.

The employee gulped and walked away from me.

"Pussy ass bitch." I muttered and sat back down.

I glared over at Jack and he looked away from me.

"I was passing by here and saw you in the window so I came in here to talk to you."

I could see Angela roll her eyes in the corner of my eye.

"You know what your name reminds me of?" I smiled sweetly at him.

Jack started smiling. "What?" He asked.

I put back on a straight face and said, "It reminds me of the word jackass. Which is exactly what you are."

At that, Jack's smile dropped.

"Why did you really come here? Ran out of hoes and you were looking for fresh meat?" Angela snapped.

Shock took over Jack's facial features.

"Don't act so fucking suprised." I commented.

"Look, Claudia, I know you don't care for me at all. I was just going to ask if we can at least be friends?" Jack asked.

I snorted.

"ME? Be friends with your stupid ass? What world are you living in? Hoetown?" I asked and Angela laughed.

"You know what? Fuck your stupid ass. I just wanted to start over. But now I realize that your the same slut from high school." Jack retorted and I stood up abruptly.

I slapped him with all my might and his face turned red.

"The only fucking 'slut' here is you." I whispered but loud enough for both of them to hear.

I was about to punch him but Jack grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall hard.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said and punched me in the gut.

I doubled over in pain.

Angela jumped on top of the table, grabbed his neck from behind and started strangling him until his face turned blue.

When she released him, I kicked him in the shin and he fell to the floor rubbing where I kicked him and started coughing.

"That's what the fuck you get, dick. Don't ever lay your sex obsessed hands on me again, bitch." I said.

Angela and I walked out of the store and I said, "Thanks."

"No problem. You already know that I'm your bitch and I would do anything for you." Angela said and I chuckled.

"Let's go to your car. Drive me back to the school. Then you can come inside and we'll hang out some more." I stated and Angela nodded.

When she started up the car, I turned up the music on full blast and we sang Work By Rihanna while she drove me back to the school.

(The song Work by Rihanna is up above where the picture is.)

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