CHAPTER 1: Sweet Tooth

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Her soft pink skin sends eletricfying pulses through my body as we touch. I kiss down her sweet body, worshiping every inch of her. I pull up and look down at her lips that mock me. "Marceline," they called as I leaned down to them.

Just inches before our lips lock together, the pleasurable sensation turns to unbearable agony. I look as my pale grey skin turns to blisters. My name being called from every direction, "Marceline! Marceline! Marceline!"

I open my eyes to see the first lights of dawn and remembered I was on the roof of the candy castle.

I look frantically for a sight of darkness when I see Princess Bubblegum calling to me from her window. I race down and fly into the window barely escaping the sun's ray.

Bubblegum ran and shut window and closed the curtains while I stood in the dark corner of her room. "What in blobs name were you doing up there Marcy?" She questioned me walking towards me.

Still flustered by the dream of us, " I ugh...fell asleep." Giving me a questioning look she replied, "Why would you do a thing like that? You could've been killed,"

"I...Umm," searching for a response because I wasn't about to tell her I was watching her sleep last night. "I was just in the neighborhood, you know," smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, uh-huh," obviously not buying it, "Well you're stuck here for the day now," Smiling happily.

'The whole day with Bonnibel.' I smiled to myself at the thought, 'A day with Bonnie would be the best thing since I've became immortal again...not that I would let here know that.'

"Well you sure seem happy about that?" noticing my smiles she smirks, "Glad to know you enjoy hanging out with me,"

Blushing slightly I send back a quick retort, "N-no, I mean I do, but I always thought you didn't like hanging out with me. That's why you stopped talking to me."

Bonnie stepping to me with warm eyes, "Listen that stuff is in the past..." She brushes hair behind my ear and pulls me into a hug, "I pushed you away and I'm sorry...I shouldn't have pushes someone like you away Marcy."

I smile with my cheeks growing redder as I hug the princess tightly, 'someone like me... am I that special to her?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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