Hidden Talents

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I turned around after hearing a rustling behind me and felt my throat constrict. The others were stood behind me, mouths agape and eyes wide. I had been dancing around as I fed my animals, singing my heart out as I moved about, my voice ringing in my ears as I went. I didn't do this very often for the fear of being heard. In fact, not that I think an out it, no one had ever heard me sing before, only for the exception of my animals, who seemed to like it when I sang to them. But other than them, nobody. Except...a certain somebody. I had, in fact, sung a duet with this person while they were in search of a pet and came to me for help. I had sung a lot more since then, reason being that I pictured her whenever I sang now, and that gave me confidence I didn't know I had in me, and best of all, it made me feel free, like I could do anything. It also allowed me to express any emotion I had bottled up within me that I could not put into words. My home was in a fairly secluded area of my hometown, Ponyville, and I lived alone and tended to my animals by myself, but I still fear being caught when I would sing. That had thankfully never happened, until today that is. I was then violently snapped back to reality by everybody talking at me all at once and hurling question after question at me, going a mile a minute. I started trembling like mad and blushing, my cheeks and ears burning as I backed up quickly. Actually, it was more like I attempted to back up, but tripped over my own feet and toppled to the ground, my limbs sprawled out awkwardly around me. At that moment, I was glad I was wearing shorts. I sat up, terribly stunned and unable to move as everyone stared down at me, shock still written on all of their faces. I pulled my legs up to my chest and hid my face, which was still burning. When I dared to look back up again, all eyes were still on me. Everyone had gone quiet, but they were all staring at me intently, as if they were expecting me to say something. Silence surrounded us like a heavy blanket as their eyes were fixed on me. I started to shake, my whole body trembling as I start to stutter.
"H-H-How m-m-much d-did y-you h-h-hear?" I managed to ask, my voice continuing to catch on itself, contrasting dramatically from the way it had rang out, clear as day, just a little bit ago. Twilight was the first to say something.
"We heard enough to draw a conclusion," she paused "You are amazingly talented!" She said in a voice filled nearly to the brim with astonishment and wonder. Some of it could be seen on her face, the sort of expression she wore when she stepped into a new library for the first time. I was stunned into silence as I stared from one face to another. They all wore the same expression, except for Rainbow Dash, who wore an expression I couldn't read very well. The one thing that I could see was that her eyes were alight with one thing-pride. I was confused until she caught my and winked, making me blush like mad and avert my gaze quickly. This was hard, because looking away from her was the last thing I wanted to do in that moment, but I made an effort to take my eyes away, and succeeded, turning my gaze back to Twilight, who continued to talk at me despite my not paying attention. After she talked a while longer, the others silent except to interject a point here and there, she abruptly stopped and took a breath. Not even a second later, right as Twilight opened her mouth as if to continue speaking, Rarity gasped, causing all eyes to turn on her.
"Fluttershy, darling, you simply must join our musical ensemble!" She gushed in her extremely feminine voice as she pushed her hair back, making the long, dark purple curls cascade over her shoulder.
"Oh no, I could never!" I exclaimed, my eyes going wide. "For you see," I paused, averting my gaze from the circle of people around me and wringing my hands together, my knuckles going white.
"I have terrible stage fright." I said, the pink tinge returning to my cheeks as I looked around at everyone. I tried to keep my eyes going around the circle as I looked around at everyone, but my gaze kept flitting onto Rainbow Dash, whose eyes were still fixed on me. My tinged cheeks continued to burn as my eyes continued around the circle, stopping on everyone's face but Rainbow's
Pinkie Pie then started to ramble on and on about stage fright, and if I'm honest, was starting to scare me, when Twilight took the initiative to shut her up by putting a hand over her mouth.
"Okay Pinkie, that's enough." She said sternly, her face straight except for a smile playing in her eyes as she looked at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie turned to her with her signature pouty face and puppy eyes, making Twilight smirk and swiftly kiss her on the nose.
Everyone smiled, including me.
Everything was quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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