chapter 3: proud parents

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Brooke's pov 3 hour's later

we are so thrilled both of our darling girl's have the same mate and will be Luna's their mom Ann said as she and their dad Graham beamed in pride she forced a smile as their parents hugged their mate she loved and adored her sister and while she'd much rather share a mate with her other than another female she'd always dreamed of having her very own mate the pack meeting had gone well and their pack's were now strong alies afterwards they'd enjoyed a early dinner they went upstairs to pack their things well some of them some they'd have shipped she grabbed her favorite stuffed animal which was a pink bunny her big sister bought her for her third birthday she slept with in every night and had since three years old she got out one of her suit cases and packed up some more of her things her puppy Queenie ran over to her when she was finished and she picked her up her sister had a kitten name princess their parents bought them for them 3 months ago.

Wilma's pov one hour later

after hugging their family they walked out their mate put their suit cases into the trunk of the limo then slammed it the driver whose name was Mac opened their doors and they got in her holding her sleeping kitten princess and Brooke holding her sleeping puppy Queenie their mate was in the middle of them and buckled their seat belts she inhaled his delicious Scent's of woodsmoke and marshmallows and her wolf Reba purred in pure delight inside of her head she yawned feeling sleepy.

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