People Don't Understand

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People don't understand why you cry, they may not even attempt to understand, because that's just how some people are. But I will listen, I will be your crying shoulder whenever you need me. Just let me know. 

People don't understand why you have your scars, they probably think you do it for attention. But I know that's not true, we all have problems in our lives, some more than others. We all have our scars, you can talk to me about whatever you need to talk to me about, I'm here for you.

People don't understand why you are all by yourself, or why you are always walking down the halls with your head hanging down. But maybe some people are not meant to understand. 

Maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand. Maybe it will bring you towards people who will understand.

If any of you ever need someone to talk to, just remember I will understand.

Here is my kik so you can text me if you need to: 0_guild_bruh_proxy_0 

My name on kik is Elizabeth Quinn. I'm here for all of you, remember that.

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