One change of life

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I put my school bag away in my locker and headed to class, I was stopped by a girl walking towards me “hi I’m Chelsea nice to meet you!” I shook her hand and said “nice to meet you too, I’m Ruby”. She was about to say something else but she turned her head and stared at a tall browned hair looking guy. “That’s Liam, his bad boy of the school don’t talk to him he causes trouble”, “how exactly does he cause trouble?” I asked. She came closer to me and whispered “ well I heard he treats girls like crap and breaks there heart because he gets bored of them” , I was shocked “really, but that could be a rumour?”, I was waiting for her reply but she changed the subject “ what classes do you have today?” I sighed and said “science, English and maths” she gave me a little smile “same”. Classes went by fast and it was already lunch time, I went to the canteen and got my food all I had to do is find a seat, “over here Ruby!” Chelsea said to me. I sat down next to her, I felt a little uncomfortable because these girls on the table kept on whispers in each others ear and looking at me. “Girls I would like you to meet Ruby, she is new to the school” One girl said “hi” and rolled her eyes and the other one didn’t say anything and just smiled at me weakly. My first day of school and I already have people hating on me, this was going to be a long day.   

Months go by and I become closer friends with Chelsea and I try to get along with her friends. Things are going pretty well so far since I moved to England, I’ve made friends and I’m fitting in well at the school. I’ve been invited to 15 parties over the past 6 weeks and I have another one to attend on Friday night, Chelsea’s 18th birthday, so it was going to be a big celebration. Chelsea basically invited the whole school besides the teachers of course, she was the most popular girl in the school.

“Do you think I should wear this dress or this one” Chelsea said showing me two gorgeous dresses, “they both look amazing but probably that one”.  The party was going to start in an hour, she let me borrow her dress since I’m not really a party person. We got ready and headed downstairs *Ding dong* she ran to get the door while I stood there admiring the decorated room, People kept on coming and before you know it the house was so crowded you could barely move. I started dancing to the upbeat music and she handed me a drink, I wasn’t too bothered to see what she got for me , I gulped it down and felt more energy go through me. I drank more and more, I’ve never been to a party in my life before I moved here and this was the best first party ever so far. I started to feel light headed and dizzy, I walked passed people nearly falling over, “ are you okay?” I must have bumped into someone, “sorry” I said and kept walking, the person stopped me and grabbed my hand “you need to sit down you don’t look really tipsy”. I looked up and nearly jumped, it was that boy Chelsea said not to talk to, Liam. He sat down next to me on the couch, “you’re the new girl Ruby yeah?” I nodded and without thinking I slammed my lips on his, I don’t know what I was doing but whatever I drank was making me crazy, he didn’t move away and kissed me back, it was getting more deep and I could feel his tongue in my mouth. I had my first kiss when I was in year 6 and this was nothing like it. He was tugging on my shirt and before anything else could happen I heard someone yell my name, “what do you think you are doing?!” we both moved away from each other and saw every one staring at us. Chelsea looked like she was going to explode “you don’t even need to explain it Ruby, get out of my house I don’t want to talk to you EVER again!”.

I got up and was nearly in tears, I don’t get why she was so upset at me anyways, “but-“she ignored me and slammed the front door on my face, I didn’t know what to do, I’ve made my only friend angry. I didn’t bother calling my mum to come pick me up, I don’t want her wondering why I’m coming home so early, I don’t even know where I was going, all I felt like doing was crying in a corner and wishing I never moved here in the first place. Distracting me from my thoughts I heard someone running behind me, I kept walking I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone right now. “Ruby please wait!” I rolled my eyes and turned around seeing Liam standing there “why did you leave?” I could literally yell at him right now “what do you think?” I spat at him and walked off, he grabbed my hand and made me face him. “Chelsea may seem nice and caring when you meet her and it may be fun being her friend, trust me on this, she is not who you think she is”, I looked at his confused  walked off and left him standing there, I walked home and thought about what he said all weekend.

Going to school was different than usual everyone was staring at me and laughing, I spotted Chelsea at the locker bay, she gave me a huge greasy and whispered something to her friends. I went to my locker and saw Liam across the hall from me, “Liam, about what you were saying on Friday, what did you exactly mean by she isn’t who you think she is?” he sighed and whispered to me “I cant tell you right now but meet me at the canteen at lunch time and ill tell you”, I went to class and couldn’t stop thinking what he meant about Chelsea. “Ruby what is the answer to this question on the board?” I stopped day dreaming and looked at my teacher waiting for a answer “umm I’m not sure sorry” “that’s what I thought, pay attention please”, Maths was so boring, I didn’t listen once in class, I was drawing random pictures in my book the whole time.

 “Class is now over you can head out to break” I was the first to get out of the classroom, without realising I bumped into someone “watch where you’re going loser” I knew that voice from anywhere it was Chelsea. I said sorry and quickly put my books back in my locker and just in time Liam was there at the canteen like he said he would. “Okay do you want to know the truth?” I nodded my head, we both sat down at a table “I use to go out with Chelsea and things were going great for a couple of months until she started to change, she wouldn’t let me hang out with my friends, she wanted me all to herself, she bossed me around telling me to wear what clothes to the prom and I had to go wherever she wanted, if I didn’t obey these things she would tell me I was a bad boyfriend and spread rumours about me. So in the end I broke up with her, I couldn’t stand it, she was so controlling and bitchy”. I couldn’t believe I was hearing this, “it all makes sense why she didn’t want me to talk to you” , I swear I saw him smile at me “ now you understand why you shouldn’t hang out with her”. I nodded in agreement and we talked until the bell went.

Everyday we would hang out, he was becoming like a brother to me, we would always be laughing and we told each other everything. As for Chelsea I don’t talk to her anymore, I realised she wasn’t a good person and left her for good. I didn’t mind being friends with Liam, he was really nice and always made me laugh. Holidays started tomorrow, I was so relived school was such a drainer. The first week of the holidays I caught up with my friends out side of school and for the second week of the holidays Liam asked me if I wanted to go to Luna Park with him.

He told me to meet him at the front of Luna Park at 1pm, my mum dropped me off and I was just on time but he was no where to be seen. “Raa!” I jumped by the noise of someone scaring me, I turn around to see Liam laughing at me, “you should of seen your face!” he said, I slapped him on the arm “you scared the hell out of me” “but it was worth it” I slapped him again “aww is the scaredy cat upset now ?” I ignored him trying not to laugh, “I’m sorry I was teasing you Ruby” “You’re a meanie” I said and poked my tongue at him, he hugged me from behind and said “I know I am but you still love me”. I smiled to myself and said “I sure do”. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend than Liam.   

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