Chapter 1

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Hi there!

Alright because I couldn't help myself, and because it Will not get out of my head, I thought I would give you a little something that has been stuck in my head a while. I hope you like it.!!!

So yeah, here we go, let me know what you think:} this is my first time writing, I am not a professional writer (yet), so please be a little patient and endearing with me:} thanks in advance, lol!!

If you want to make a banner, cover or trailer, inform me through private message !!:} D

Alright now, go on now! Don't forget to vote and comment

Thanks for reading,


Chapter 1

Caphry Bishop sat in a line of cars at the tollbooth inching his way forward, one car length at a time, drumming his fingers to the cool rhythm of John Legand's "We loved it."

".... wonder if I ever blew away , will I ever love again, will I ever love again.."

Ahead of him, New York rose in its concrete jungle glory, a pleasing view of the rays of the setting sun cast on soaring buildings and mingled with twinkling lights. The day's warmth had given way to a crisp clear evening.

The night was straight out of a country song, one of those smooth warm evenings which cowboys fantasized about . It was a perfect night made for rolling around in the stack of hay under the starry sky with a farm girl in your arms, whilst telling dreams of the better side of the world. In short, it was a perfect night, he concluded thinking of his own farm girl.

The line of cars inched closer to the tolls, leaving three cars before his Jaguar. Caphry drummed his manicured fingers impatiently on the wheel desperate to put his Jaguar on the highway and, just speed.

As the senior partner of chains of companies and lead scientist of the biggest pharmaceutical company in the state and definitely in the country, his days weren't at all rosy, but demanding and stressful. Being the best at anything wasn't ever easy, that he knew and understood.

Even though his father, Caphry Bishop Snr, God bless his soul, had done all the weightlifting, setting up Bishop pharmaceuticals as early as the 80's , he had left serious work for his son.

It was no longer the 80's anymore, new pharmaceuticals had come, and come to stay. Some, would gladly sacrifice an appendage just to send him off the market. Competition and how to stay put was the main deal now- since he took over Bishop incorporation.

Here in his Jaguar, with its tinted glass and great engine,was the only time he felt away from the preying, demanding eyes of the world. Like in his own world, able to be free, fast, and slick in his own way- just like the Jaguar.

He smiled mischievously to himself. However, his smile wobbled and faltered at the sight of the toll-taker who eyed him with sullen impatience as he rolled down his window.

The sallow- faced man probably in his early sixties extended his hands towards him, Caphry stared at it for an instant before he seemed to realize what he wanted. He quickly dipped for his wallet in his left-breast pocket and fished out a 10 dollar bill and offered it to the man.

The man was about to hand him his change, when he released his suppressed smile,mouthing, "Keep the change". The straight-faced man suddenly smiled so broadly showing brown teeth, he shocked Caphry. He had never thought the man could ever smile, not at all so broadly.

"You know," he said leaning closer. "That is such an enviable ride you got for yourself, I have always wished I could just kill you and snatch it for myself."

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